TWICE × Male!Reader (DAHYUN)

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Requested by ironic_mp4

In which (Y/N) chooses Dahyun.

3rd POV

"daaHHYYUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!" (Y/N) suddenly yelled.

"(yyyyYY/NNNNNNNNN)!" Dahyun reacted quickly.

The rest of the group slowly backed off from the two.

Meanwhile, the energy radiating off the two was intense. Dahyun started doing her iconic eagle dance that (Y/N) remembered from his childhood.

"OOOO! I LIKE THIS DANCE!" He yelled while joining in.

The two (2) took a break before breaking out laughing.

"Man. I missed this." Dahyun said.

(Y/N) smiled and looked down.


"I mean, sure the others are fun but there's just that feeling." She said, while emphasizing "that feeling" like a meme.

"Just like 'that' feeling." She kept pushing.

"Yeah. You know, like 'that' feeling." (Y/N) responded back.

They both looked at each other seriously before laughing.

"I really did miss this though. It was really fun having all ten (10) of us running around... Ranting whenever we were tired... I really enjoyed doing it." Dahyun spoke out honestly.

"They were one of 'those' feelings. You would feel warm inside around everyone." (Y/N) related.

They looked at each other once more when Dahyun broke into a smile.

"Bet that I can quote Vines better than you." She challenged.

(Y/N) glared at her slightly.

"Oh yeah? 'Who want lasagna?'" He memed.

"'Who want lasag- OHHH!'" Dahyun followed up, imitating the meme.

"Hurricane Katrina?" (Y/N) started.

"More like Hurricane tortilla!" Dahyun finished.

"Mary! Is that the police?" He yelled.

"I'm calling the weed!" Dahyun ended.

"Have you seen that one vine where this guy gives a candy to his cat, but his cat doesn't eat it."

"Yeah! And then he gives the wrapper and the cat just like..."

"Noms." They said at the same time.

The pair looked at each other again and laughed.

"I enjoy your presence as a human, (Y/N)." Dahyun spoke.


"... I still can't stop thinking about how you thought we were going to make you a stripper." Dahyun recalled while giggling.

"Oi. Some group of people blindfold you and you expect them to not make you one?"


Route 7/9 complete.

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