TWICE × Male!Reader (TZUYU)

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Requested by ironic_mp4

In which (Y/N) chooses Tzuyu.

3rd POV

(Y/N) felt a burning stare. He was looking for the source when he looked at Tzuyu.

She flinched and quickly looked away, ears turning a tinted pink.

(Y/N) smiled softly and called her name out. The others noticed this and quietly left, leaving (Y/N) and Tzuyu together.

She realized this and realized how quiet it was. Tzuyu looked around to see (Y/N) sitting on the floor, legs out like a child's.

(Y/N) was playing around with a stack of sticky notes and took one off, creating a paper crane. Then, he created a paper airplane.

He looked up, his eyes meeting up with Tzuyu's. The two had a stare-off until (Y/N) took his paper airplane without looking down, and flew it to Tzuyu.

(Y/N) took a pencil, wrote on a sticky note, then folded it into another paper airplane. He flew it over to Tzuyu once more.

Tzuyu held the plane in her hands and unfolded it.

Come sit with me (:

It wrote.

She calmly walked over and took a seat on the floor next to him. Since Tzuyu wasn't one to talk often, (Y/N) decided that sending her notes might be better.

(Y/N) passed Tzuyu a stack of her own notes and pen. She took the pen and scribbled something down. She folded it in half and slid it over to him.

I can talk, you know?

"But look at you writing on the notes," (Y/N) joking countered.

"Darn. You're right."

(Y/N) chuckled and looked back down at his notes, picking his pen back up. He clicked the top around, thinking about what to write.

How's Gucci been?

He wrote on the paper and passed it to her. Tzuyu looked at it and smiled, picking up her own pen.

So you ask about Gucci and not me? The disrespect. (Yes, he's been very good and he is so precious.)

Tzuyu passed the paper to him. (Y/N) accepted it and read it. After reading it, he looked at her and back at his paper. He slowly slid it to her, looking around to see if anyone was there, which no one was there.

Got any pics? (;

Tzuyu looked confused at the note.

Of what?

(Y/N) sighed as if saying, "how could you not know?" He quickly wrote something down and passed it to her.

You know what I mean.

Tzuyu read this and sighed. She took her pen, writing then passing the paper to (Y/N).


She took her phone out and went to her camera roll. She passed her phone to (Y/N) who took it quickly.

"This is what I wanted. God bless," (Y/N) said as he looked through the pictures.

"Wait for it," Tzuyu told him, taking the phone and showing another picture.


(Y/N) screamed and grabbed his chest.

"So cute," he said as he looked at a picture of Gucci in a police uniform.

"I know right. That's my dog right there," Tzuyu said proudly.

The two spent the rest of the day looking at dog pictures together.

Route 9/9 complete.

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