TWICE × Male!Reader (MINA)

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Requested by ironic_mp4

In which (Y/N) chooses Mina.

3rd POV

Mina, who was behind (Y/N), slightly tugged on his sleeve.

"I'll stay here with Mina." (Y/N) said.

The rest of the members walked past the two and teased Mina quietly.

"Is this Mina's new seducing technique that I'm witnessing?" They whispered to Mina, making her make a little whining noise.

The group eventually left, leaving Mina and (Y/N) in an awkward silence.

"So... How have you been?" (Y/N) said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Pretty good. How about you?" Mina shortly answered.

"I've been doing pretty well."

"That's good."

Once again, the two stayed in an unbearable silence.

"This is kind of... You know..." (Y/N) started.

"Awkward... Yeah..." Mina finished.

"I think you can tell but... I'm not usually one to talk..." Mina told (Y/N).

"It's fine for people to be quiet. Just imagine a world with everyone wanting to talk. It would be loud."

"I guess you're right."

Another silence came. However, this one was less uncomfortable.

"So... What's happened? Have the nine (9) of you still been together?" (Y/N) asked, trying to get filled in on what he missed.

"No... Once you left, we all sort of went are separate ways. Choosing different majors and all. We all started hanging out with each other again when the mafia started." Mina answered.

"Ohhh. How long has it been? Since you guys, you know... Met up again?"

"It's been around two (2) to three (3) years."

"And I think I've been gone for around six (6) years?"

"Yeah. When we met each other again, everyone looked so different. Of course, we could still recognize each other a bit."

"How?" (Y/N) asked, enjoying Mina's slight chattyness.

"Like... Like you know Sana's cheeks right?" Mina said excitedly.

(Y/N) nodded enthusiastically while smiling.

"Yeah! And like Nayeon's teeth!"

"How'd they know that you were you?"

Mina stayed quiet for a bit before whispering,

"How I walked and the dot on my face..."

(Y/N) froze for a bit.

"How you... Walked? I get the dot on your face but..." He trailed off.

"They say I walked like a penguin..."

(Y/N) stared at Mina, making eye contact before smiling.

"That's pretty cute." He commented.

Mina blushed and hid her face by looking down.

"You know, I love penguins. I'm gonna call you Penguin Mina. No... PengMi. God... I am such a genius." (Y/N) said while looking serious.

Mina giggled while looking at him. Her laugh was gentle and soothing. (Y/N) took notice of this and decided to point it out.

"I like your laugh. It's pretty... You know what else is pretty?" He asked.

"Hm? What?" Mina asked, expecting something cheesy.

"You." (Y/N) answered truthfully.

Mina wasn't expecting it to get to her. After all, she always dealt with men flirting with her. Her face had turned extremely red and she was trying to fan herself cool.

"... Are you okay there?"

"WhyareyoulikethislikeomgIcan'twithyou." Mina spoke incoherent words.

"What?" (Y/N) asked before Mina ran away.


He chased after, looking for, eventually finding her and then...

Confessing to her.
Route 6/9 complete.

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