One - Clever Casting

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A/N: Hey yall. This is a new fanfiction that I'm not really sure about, so I'm posting this chapter as kind of a teaser to see if it gets a nice response, if any at all. If it does go well further chapters will start rolling out around January ;) - Freja

"If you succeed I'll fucking audition for the school play. That's how little I believe you can do it." Jaebum raises an eyebrow at his smirking friend, both confident in their own prediction of what is about to happen next.

"I'm gonna make sure you land the lead; just you wait and see." A sentence that will prove itself truer than any of the three can imagine at this point. Jinyoung's smirk grows even wider before he throws a cigarette between his lips and lights it. He winks and begins his nonchalant walk towards Riley, the school's beauty queen without effort. Most likely the kindest student at school, except for that Youngjae kid maybe.

Mark leans his elbow on Jaebum's shoulder and smirks at their youngest, who is trying to get the school's very own Mother Teresa to fuck him in the bathroom. Jinyoung puts on his innocent smile that he, Jaebum has found, always uses to his advantage in any possible situation. Jaebum's smirk grows weaker and weaker as Riley's grows stronger and Jinyoung's hand makes its way up to Riley's hip. Jaebum gives Mark and his still lingering grin a baffled look. Just then, Riley grabs Jinyoung's collar, smashes her lips on his and drags him back into the school building. Jinyoung waves two fingers at his friends. Interpret that as you will.

"Fucking hell." Jaebum shakes his head and clenches his jaw tight. Mark claps his shoulder and sits him down on a bench in the schoolyard.

"Guess you've got yourself some lines to practice."

"Ow," Youngjae brings a nursing hand to his shoulder, looking back at Riley running down the hall with one of JB's boys. Yugyeom furrows his eyebrows and uses his height to get an overview of the situation.

"Wonder what that was about," Jackson comments, looking over at Youngjae and he shrugs it off. "Oh, by the way! Youngjae you're auditioning for the play, right?" Youngjae nods, awaiting the reason for this question. "I've been asked to help out with props once in a while, you know, cause they need the muscle." Jackson flexes, causing sighs and eye rolls amongst his friends.

"I hope I get the part," Youngjae expresses his worry very honestly as he always does. "Maybe it was a bit ambitious of me to aim for a demon." He taps his thigh at a stressed pace, making it easy for his friends to see that his nerves are getting the best of him.

"Of course you'll get the part. Having practised lines with you, I think they'll appreciate what you can do for a role like that. It's completely different from what you are. I think that can be good. Something fresh." Bambam's words comfort Youngjae, as well as Yugyeom's hand around his shoulder does.

Youngjae is anything but a demon. His love for life becomes so contagious when his mouth grows into a wide smile. He has no enemies because hating Youngjae is something that requires a lot of talent. To explain to you how positive of a boy he is, words will not be enough. His friends play an ongoing game of finding the word to best describe Youngjae. They started at positive and have currently made it all the way to tranquil, a proud input from Yugyeom, their maknae. Youngjae loves his friends and is anything but afraid to tell them. Their love for him is just as big, proved by their calm reactions on the day where he had shyly (a word that is not often used about Youngjae) told his friends how boys are more appealing to him than girls are and how he hoped it wouldn't change their friendship. They had simultaneously shrugged their shoulders and asked him why that would have any impact on their love for him. To sum up: Youngjae is an angel and his friends are not far from it either.

On Tuesday, Youngjae nails his audition, despite his previous worries. He does a far better job than the seven other hopeful demons. The only other noteworthy audition is JB's. Youngjae is surprised to see him there and is even more surprised when he finds that he his acting was more than okay, better than his attitude for sure. Youngjae observed how he had slouched in there without greeting the teachers, read his lines and left the room as soon as his part was done.

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