Sixteen - Saying Sorry

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Day 40 – Monday

Youngjae: I c u ;)

Jaebum: What the hell. Where are you?

Youngjae: Not behind you. Look straight ahead.

Youngjae is leaning up against a tree. He is wearing a pastel pink hoodie and blue jeans. The wind makes it a chilly day but the sun is out so it is the perfect opportunity for sunglasses. He stands there waiting with a nonchalant grin until Jaebum catches up. Jaebum wonders why Youngjae is here because it is not on the route from his house to school.

"I've gotten so tired of contacts. I think I'm gonna drop them," Youngjae conversates as they waddle to school as close together as they can get and still be playing it off as a natural distance for friends who don't like physical contact. Jaebum knows Youngjae loves physical contact and Youngjae has a slight idea that Jaebum loves it too.

"You wear contacts?"

"Mhm," Youngjae hums. "I've had bad eyesight for a long time and had glasses for a while. I thought I would try contacts this year to see what it's like but they're more of a pain than glasses." Jaebum hums approvingly, more at the thought of Youngjae wearing glasses than anything else.

"I have a pair at home too. I can live just fine without them unless I'm working on music," Jaebum chuckles. He almost forgets to breathe from the sparks in Youngjae's eyes at the words 'working on music'. Jaebum feels lucky to be one of the things that can make Youngjae bring his hands together from pure excitement.

"You never told me you do music." Youngjae bounces up and down with excitement and Jaebum finds it miraculous so early in the morning. At this time of day, his energy levels are the equivalent of a sloth's.

"I don't so much anymore but I used to. I have a lot of equipment at home and used to love writing lyrics. The level of concentration requires that I have a pair of glasses, though, or I'll get a headache."

"That's a nice visual, at least in my mind." Jaebum raises an eyebrow. Youngjae is right near giving up on that eyebrow thing.

"Gimme a little description of that visual then," Jaebum demands curiously. His smirk is so annoying Youngjae wants to bite it away. He growls instead but Youngjae is not a very intimidating person, so he just looks adorable which is almost worse for Jaebum.

"Just you in your room buried in paper with your gear around you. An organised mess, if you will. Maybe your hair's a little messy and you push up your glasses once in a while from the middle. You're not a side pusher like me. At some point, you do a turn in your chair and you get up to have a cigarette. When you come back you grab the pencil again and you bite the end while you think. Then at some point lyrics just fly right out of you and your hand can barely keep up with your mind, you know." Youngjae has gotten completely lost in his thoughts. "And then you play it on your piano with your strong hands, the veins have kind of popped because you've been writing so much, until you have the perfect song. I bet you have a great voice too," Youngjae dreams out loud. His smile reveals as much as his words until his eyes find Jaebum's. He smacks a hand across his mouth and his eyes stare stiffly ahead of him. Jaebum laughs loudly.

"Ah, Choi Youngjae, that was really something." Youngjae nudges his shoulder against Jaebum's with a face as red as a tomato and whines of regret. "I'm quite flattered by that description," he teases the lump of self-resentment next to him.


Jaebum teases the poor boy all the way to school where they part for their individual classes. Youngjae spends class trying to get over the situation meanwhile Jaebum has forgotten all about class as Youngjae's words stick in his mind. Strong hands, he thinks, wondering what made Youngjae notice this about him. He finds it most probable to be from the scene where Youngjae brushes his fingers over the top of Jaebum's hand to find signs of wrongdoing on the angel's hands. It's one of Phenex's powers and it bugs the living hell out of Samael. Pun intended.

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