Twenty-two - Love Lives

212 14 4

Day 45 Saturday

8:30 am is when people slowly start coming in for breakfast. Some have changed out of their pyjamas and some have not. Youngjae and Yugyeom are hungry and dive straight into the food as the first ones from their room to show up.

"How did you sleep?" Miss Kwon asks the two.

"Fine," they mumble over each other. Miss Kwon smiles like she has been up for hours; the boys in their pyjamas would not be surprised.

"The weather is lovely today. I'm thinking of doing some of the work outside so we don't go insane in the dark auditorium." Yugyeom and Youngjae nod furiously at Miss Kwon and she slides back to her original seat next to Mr Song. Jackson and Mark come in and sit opposite Yugyeom and Youngjae. Jackson is wearing his usual casual clothes consisting of tracksuit bottoms, a tank top and a hoodie. The lazy outfit is weighed out by his charming smile. BamBam, Jinyoung and Jaebum come in last and join the table. They eat a lot since they have no idea what they are in for today. Rehearsing all day could be a lot of work and maybe Miss Kwon has other things planned as well.

"Alright kiddos," Miss Kwon says casually yet with much enthusiasm. During this time the group of people here have grown close and Miss Kwon is no exception. They have all come to love her as a teacher and a guide as she has come to love them as her star students even if she only teachers very few of them in actual classes. "It's a nice hot day today so Mr Song is running out for some ice lollies. While he does so, I want everyone standing in a circle." People shuffle around on the big field behind the school building and make room until the circle is about 40-50 people big, which is pretty big in case you were wondering. "'What now?' You're wondering. I'll tell you. I want you all to start the day off feeling like you're the best team in this business. I don't care that it is a mere school production. Damnit, we're the best and everyone here needs to feel that so I want everyone to compliment the person on either side of them and be creative." Jackson pulls at Youngjae's sleeve and yells out, "you're so kind! I love you." He wraps his arms around Youngjae who returns the compliment with the addition that Jackson's optimism is like no other's. Youngjae turns around and is faced with the back of Jaebum's head. He is done with his own partner before long.

"Youngjae," he smiles. "I have said it all before but I will say it again. You're bright as the sun and colourful as a field full of flowers." Youngjae cannot contain his happiness and it shines through him like the morning sun through his bedroom window.

"And you are so enchanting. I think it's a mixture of how intense you can be and the passion you have. The glow you have these days is doing a lot for it too."


"You seem free from previous worries. It's like your wings have been untied after so long so now you won't stop flying because the time you've lost was so precious. I love to see you smile like you do now." Jaebum pushes Youngjae's chest gently. He is not used to being complimented the way Youngjae compliments him. He gets shy which is fairly new. They stare at each other, enclosed in their own world until Miss Kwon calls for their attention again. Youngjae wants to reach over and hold Jaebum's hand like it is the most normal thing in the world but no one will think so. Everyone will look and talk and wonder. Jaebum is thinking the same thing as he leans closer and closer to Youngjae. He ends up putting his chin on Youngjae's shoulder and Youngjae chuckles softly. The pleasant stance is not held for long before Jaebum retreats unwillingly as if he were only doing it to rest for a moment and not craving the scent and the feeling of Youngjae.

"Okay, split into your teams now. There was some painting that needed to be done, right?" Miss Kwon asks Jimin who nods. "If it's possible you can come out here and paint. You can also take the costumes out here."

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