Twelve - Cognitive Crush

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Day 34 – Tuesday

Jackson is everywhere that Youngjae is that Tuesday. Whenever there is any sign of Jaebum's presence, Jackson grabs Youngjae's arm with concern and a pinch of rage. BamBam and Yugyeom think he is overdoing it and Youngjae is too exhausted to have an opinion on the matter. He does, however, seem to have an opinion when they do spot Jaebum with his back to them on a bench out front. He rushes the other way with Jackson right after him and BamBam and Yugyeom keeping up the best they can.

"This is too much," Yugyeom says to BamBam. He gets a knowing nod in return before BamBam stops in his tracks with his arm out to stop Yugyeom too. Their eyes meet and Yugyeom knows BamBam has gotten some idea that is either really genius or really stupid.

"We should go talk to Jaebum."

"W-what? N-no." BamBam is too busy with his new plan to listen to Yugyeom's anxious whining that follows. He turns on his heel and pulls Yugyeom with him in the direction of Jaebum, Jinyoung and Mark.

"What are we even going to say?"

"Leave it to me, Yugyeom." He walks with hasty steps until he hears a sentence that he was definitely not supposed to hear.

"If you really care about him, show him that. I don't know what happened but this mood swing thing is hurting him... And you." The two share a look. Jaebum looks just as bad but his guard is holding up unlike Youngjae's. BamBam hesitates and wants to turn around when Mark turns his head enough for him to spot the pair. He smiles at BamBam and his eyes say everything that BamBam needs to understand what Jinyoung has just said. He looks up at Yugyeom, who seems a little more clueless than BamBam. He rushes them back inside and into an empty classroom.

"Jaebum is in love with Youngjae." Yugyeom almost faints at the stress that this statement brings him. He stares at BamBam, who awaits a further reaction from him. He opens his mouth but only a soft huff of air comes out of it. He is hugged by his faithful friend. "You don't have to be scared of Jaebum," he comforts and Yugyeom shivers with his head buried in BamBam's shoulder.

"It's not as bad anymore... But when he gets like that I get..." BamBam pats him softly on the back.

"I know, Yugyeom. Our pasts form us for better or for worse but you're still breathing and you're happy, right?" Yugyeom nods into BamBam's hair.

"Because you helped me. Thank you."

BamBam talks his clever and comforting talk until Yugyeom is smiling at him again and it is just in time for the bell that rings them to class.

"Hi," is all Mark gets from Jackson that afternoon in the auditorium.

"What's wrong?" Mark asks like Jaebum did not already drop enough hints through his unusually stiff behaviour for Mark to get an idea of what it is about. Of course, Mark knows but he wants to hear it from Jackson.

"Jaebum better keep his hands the fuck away from Youngjae." Jackson begins breathing heavily. His hand grabs the edge of the tables and the veins on it turn clearer as he tightens his grip. He looks over at Youngjae and Jaebum on stage. Youngjae can fool a whole audience with that smile but not Jackson. He sees the hurt that was there yesterday when Youngjae sent him an alarming text and Jackson came running to find him sleeping tightly on his bed. He stayed until he woke up and nursed him with hot chocolate and hugs and comfort before he asked what had happened, to which Youngjae said he was not allowed to answer. "New rules," he had said. Jackson's blood starts boiling.

Mark and Jackson carry the car to the stage and disappear soon again to watch as Jaebum sits in the passenger seat of the cardboard car that Youngjae is driving. He is looking concerned and desperate, whereas Youngjae has got one hand on the wheel, the other arm resting casually on the side of the car. Youngjae wears Jaebum's nonchalantly indifferent expression. Jaebum wears Youngjae's beautifully angelic one.

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