Twenty-four - Valuable Visuals

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A/N: This chapter is a little different because I tried something kinda new this time and because I had a sudden allergy attack last week that has affected my eyes a lot so this whole chapter is written in short bits because I've been having a hard time focusing with my eyes this problematic :))) Allergies and exams are not making life easy right now. I wonder how I can keep up but I keep delivering, good or bad as it may be. I hope this is not a total disaster xx 

Day 48 Tuesday

It takes Jackson a moment to realise who the three guys walking towards him are but he soon recognises the faces. "This is new," Jackson comments on the leather jacket-less Jaebum, Mark and Jinyoung in front of him. "Youngjae's gonna fall backwards." He can see Jaebum's anticipation. He looks like a whole new person in the light-coloured t-shirt and the bucket hat that BamBam will surely have something to say about once he sees it.

"Jackson, you did it! Miss Kwon is making you angel number two." Youngjae comes running like angel number two is the main character. His legs start to stagger from the hurry he is in. He stops out of breath in the middle of the group to grab Jackson by his shoulders.

"I'll practice my best angelic smile," Jackson chuckles. "But I think you should look behind you now." It is a wonder how Jackson can predict Youngjae's reaction to anything. Youngjae takes a step backwards so his back collides with Jackson's front.

"Oh my god, that was about time. I was melting just looking at the three of you in leather jackets in this weather. BamBam's gonna comment on that hat though." Jackson agrees with his friend with his arms crossed.

"I should get going again but we'll meet for lunch?" Youngjae asks them. His boyfriend answers with a kiss too swift for anyone passing by to notice it.

BamBam has a few comments about the hat at lunch. "Usually tacky, but it works," he concludes with a firm nod. The wind has been picking up today so people are gathered in the canteen for lunch when newly bucket hat wearing Jaebum walks inside with his crew. The leather jacket was a statement of some sort so losing it becomes one too. The eyes make Jaebum look over his shoulder for some support that comes running. Jinyoung puts his arm around Jaebum's shoulder and BamBam goes on the other side of him with his silver hair shining under the institutional neon light like a crown on top of his head. Jaebum in the bucket hat looks a little less luxurious but that is kind of the point. Youngjae and Yugyeom walk right behind them with their eyes pierced anxiously to the backs of their friends and their arms linked. If they look to the side they might catch a pair of curious eyes and they would rather do without that. Jackson and Mark at the back are very consciously ignoring the stares as Jackson is majestically explaining the importance of his role as angel number two and Mark shakes his head in amusement at the end of every sentence.

"Guys, over here," Jimin yells merrily from a few tables down. "We saved this long table for the team if you want to join us." Like the backups they needed, Jimin and the rest of their team come to the rescue. They all take a seat in between the friendly faces. There is no way they don't know. Everyone knows because people talk at this school. Rumours spread like wildfire like they did when this started. Youngjae has gotten used to the looks as the time has passed. The hype died down after a week or so but this is bigger than any of that old news. This is something that will change the dynamics of the hierarchy. It is not because what Jaebum is doing is, well, gay but because what he is doing is distancing himself from his position at the top. He has actively chosen the drama nerds over the popular people. He no longer sits where he knows everyone can see him so he can laugh nonchalantly with his friends and pretend that the girls are not staring. He no longer greets the jocks with a cool bro-shake but with a smile that is only returned by the few of them that seem to have more to their personality than loving football.

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