Five - Alcoholic Aftermath

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Day 9 – Friday

Jaebum yawns in his seat. Early morning psychology is not easy listening when you've been up for longer than you should have the night before. Besides, he only decided to take this class because both Jinyoung and Mark like this subject and now he is stuck here with most of his knowledge from Jinyoung's notes that he generously shares with his sleepy friend.

"Cognitive dissonance," says Mr Choi. "can anyone explain to me what that is?" Mark raises his hand and Mr Choi nods at him.

"When one's thoughts and feelings no longer correlate with one's actions, it is called cognitive dissonance. The opposite is cognitive assonance, which is what one strives for."

"And who says so?"

"Leon Festinger."

"Quite right."

For once, Jaebum takes time to listen in. He leans forward in his seat and earns a surprised glance from several of the students as well as Mr Choi. Jaebum smiles sheepishly at him and the class continues.

Jaebum writes down the five ways to turn cognitive dissonance into cognitive assonance:

Change your actions to match your thoughts.Change your thoughts to match your actions.Find new information that changes your thoughts to match your actions.Avoid information that goes against your current knowledge.Avoid situations that force you to act differently from your thoughts.

Jaebum is relieved that there are no rehearsals on Fridays. He avoids Youngjae all day the best he can and leaves school in a hurry the second the final class of the day ends. He has been doing his best to forget what happened in the shower, but an orgasm like that isn't something that your horny teenage mind lets you suppress. His friends, of course, pick up on his strange mood all day but they don't ask. Later, he meets with them for a few drinks and possibly a hook up to take his mind off of things. After a few drinks at Mark's place, they leave for their regular bar. They order rum and coke all around and sit down at a table, scouting for girls that suit their own and each other's taste. Mark and Jinyoung are mainly looking for someone for Jaebum.

"Yo, JB," Jinyoung starts. Jaebum looks up and he seems more like his usual self after a few drinks but he still has the distant look in his eyes. "You've been zoning out all day. We took you here to get your mind off it but what's going on man?" Jaebum just stares for a while because he's being asked a question to which the honest answer would be "I've been having incredibly homosexual thoughts about Choi Youngjae and I jerked off to them." He doesn't necessarily need them to know that.

Jaebum does his signature monotone 'uuuuh' before he replies with a simple "Nothing." That word that is almost always a lie and no one ever believes it. This goes for Jinyoung and Mark too. Jinyoung raises an eyebrow.

"Really? Nothing? That's the worst lie you've ever told." Jaebum crumbles his face together.

"Just let me drink so much I forget it ever happened," Jaebum whines and Jinyoung shares a look with Mark. They keep their guesses for later when Jaebum is most likely gonna be going home to some girl's bed for a bit of temporary comfort.

Jaebum gets smashed. His friends can't really help but follow. They've been collecting glances from girls around the bar, and they know even though they pretend they are oblivious. Here's the deal: Jaebum, Jinyoung and Mark know that they look like everything a girl at a bar on a Friday night wants. They have the pretty faces and the elements they need to look like the classic bad boys: Irresistible and unreliable. As soon as they lock eyes with a girl she's dripping. By the time they've reached her she's as wet as the shores of Busan.

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