Sequel - Save You

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A/N: I just can't leave this story alone, can I? I'm so weak.

This is only gonna be a few chapters long so take it as a little tiny sequel and as a bit of fun with a tiny plot mainly surrounding Yugyeom and some catching up with their lives. I hope you guys enjoy <3

I've literally changed the name of this chapter three or four times now. Finally, I settled for the generic song title theme for the sequel. I think it'll work well with the story.  

It has been four months since graduation and things have changed for the seven boys since then. Youngjae enjoys his life in the house as an only child since his siblings finally moved out. His sister moved in with a friend and his brother got into a school where he can run as much as he wants to without bothering Youngjae. Youngjae is working more hours as a music teacher until he starts studying musical therapy in January. He has recently gotten his license and is allowed to borrow his parents' car whenever he wishes.

Jaebum is chasing Youngjae around like a puppy these days and will be studying music production also starting January. As much as music is one of his burning passions, he cannot say Youngjae being in the same faculty as him, did not have a slight influence on his decision.

Mark has just come home from LA and is studying philosophy and writing to no one's surprise. His thoughts have to go somewhere and if that place is the pages of a future best-seller then his friends are damn well going to hype him up. Speaking of Mark, he has grown closer to Youngjae who sometimes takes Mark for coffee and a chat. It gives Mark a further insight into Youngjae's attentive nature, the one that drew Jaebum in; hook, line and sinker. Meanwhile, Youngjae finds out what hides behind Mark's all too clever smiles.

Jinyoung, the kind-hearted young man, is studying his ass off to become, in his words "the best fucking pre-school teacher this world has ever seen", and they are all sure he will be. Jaebum knows better than anyone how much patience he has and how much care he can channel through his big eyes and his charming smile.

Jackson is fencing again all the while merrily chasing after Jinyoung at school because he naturally wanted to be a pre-school teacher too the second Jinyoung mentioned it. Not that Jinyoung minds Jackson's cheerful company at all. The two of them actually find it a big relief to stay after classes and study together. There is a lot of child psychology involved in their studies and since Jinyoung took psychology the prior year - we all remember the cognitive dissonance crisis Jaebum had – there are old notes on behavioural patterns with kids and the different stages of development in his notebook. Jackson is thankful for those gladly shared notes and often treats Jinyoung to dinner if studying has dragged out for too long.

No one was surprised when BamBam and Hana ended up sitting next to each other on the first day at the top design school in Seoul. Fashion is more than ever all BamBam talks about. He and Hana have a monthly meeting in BamBam's room where they read all the new fashion magazines and talk about the online articles and blogs they have read in that month. This passion is time-consuming but nevertheless, he makes time for his group of friends that has become a rock in all of their lives. No matter where they are taken in life, that relation between the seven of them will stay unaffected. Oh, and, get this, BamBam bought a cat and named her cloud because of her white fur.

The last of the seven is the one and only Kim Yugyeom who got accepted into a well-respected dance school right outside of town. He lives on campus which, without a doubt, made several of his friends very concerned. No one blamed him for not wanting to sit in public transport for an hour every morning and afternoon but they all knew it would be hard to let go. As the fact began to settle in with them, they realised that it may be good for him to stand on his own for some time. It is not like he is many hours away and their arms are always open for him so maybe it is healthy with the distance for all of them. All that aside, they miss having him around for spontaneous events like pool hangouts at Mark's on the last warm days of the year. They miss his presence and that is putting it lightly.

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