Seven - Caramel Coffee

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This chapter is really special because it kind of introduces the fluffy side of one Im Jaebum, so prepare for that. I hope that it's fun but I can promise you that bad boy Im Jaebum has a lot more to say later ;) 

Enjoy this chapter and thanks again for reading SAFA (it's cooler if it has an acronym hehe) xx

Days 13, 14, 15 – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

The next few days go by in a hurry as both Jaebum and Youngjae learn to relax considerably more around each other. Their conversations continue to delve deeper but the smiles are more fresh, at least Jaebum's because Youngjae's always was. They laugh too, and it has changed how the two talk to each other. The rest of the school all seem to be talking about how Jaebum is in the school production now and how he has been avoiding more or less everyone since he got cast for it. Youngjae wonders about this too because he is never seen where he usually hangs around anymore and when people gather close by him he moves away as subtly as possible. Youngjae doesn't know why and he has considered asking Jackson because Mark probably has it figured out and if he has, he will have told Jackson, his new best friend apparently.

Day 16 – Friday

Jaebum and Youngjae have decided to meet even though there are no rehearsals on Fridays. Yesterday's talk dragged out long and they never finished it because, honestly, it got late. They lost track of time in the midst of their words, even though Jaebum had insisted that he was fully aware of the time throughout, he had simply just stayed because he "had nothing better to do". Youngjae had smiled so wide that Jaebum had to chuckle just a tiny bit and with that, his lie crumbled to pieces and lay spread on the floor for Youngjae to cheerfully step on all the way out of the room.

They sit at the back of the auditorium, looking at the half-finished background down on the stage. Youngjae makes a mental note to compliment Jackson on the work he has been doing because it looks incredible from where the two are sitting and it is only half done.

"I think reflexes are the ultimate morality test. If we stand on a train station and I push a guy down on the rails just before the train arrives and you have, let's say, 10 seconds. The question would then be if you would use those ten seconds to shield your eyes or if you would use them to help him up?"

"You have a point, but I don't think you can call it the only way. Some people, good or bad, can't do anything in a situation like that. They get paralyzed in a way. That doesn't make them bad it just makes them very human. Fear is a human emotion and it doesn't make us bad people to feel that emotion," Youngjae argues. "Or even the guy on the other side of the station who lives in guilt for the next long while because he didn't muster up the courage in time or maybe didn't even see. That doesn't make him bad either," Youngjae shrugs.

"That's... true," Jaebum agrees. They grow quiet as Jaebum thinks about how to counter what Youngjae said. He stiffens. He looks at Youngjae and puts a finger to his lips with a hush. Jaebum listens and, sure enough, he hears talking outside the main door. He grabs his bag and Youngjae's arm. "We have to go right now," Jaebum whispers. He takes them out the back, which they don't normally do. Jaebum points at the window in the door where they can see six or seven students looking around, probably for Jaebum because a few of them are his fanatic stalkers. They hurry out of sight and to a coffee shop down a quiet road.

"Were they looking for you?" Youngjae asks, taking a sip of his coffee that is sweetened with caramel. Jaebum nods taking a sip of his own. His is black though, with no sugar.

"I think so. Mark said he heard some people talk about our extra rehearsals and it's apparently very interesting to them." Youngjae frowns for a few reasons: How rude of them to go around looking for Jaebum. Will Youngjae now be getting more attention from the people he tries to ignore the most? Will they pick on him? Is Im Jaebum ashamed of Choi Youngjae?

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