Seventeen - Crying Clouds

169 12 2

Day 41 Tuesday

Jaebum has managed to put aside his burdensome feelings for when he is alone in his room. At school, he can almost forget about it, especially when he goes into the auditorium to rehearse with Youngjae whose smile is blinding and full of the love Jaebum has come to crave more than he is willing to admit.

Some would say they barely need to rehearse any of the scenes again and Miss Kwon fits perfectly into that category so she focuses on the few scenes where both Youngjae and Jaebum are off stage. For these parts, they sit in a corner and talk about any nerves or general thoughts they are having about actually doing this in front of more people than just the crew that they have gotten comfortable being around. "I get kind of nervous when I think about it," Youngjae shares.

"I'm sure there is no need to be nervous and in the weekend, we'll rehearse the whole thing through several times so we can get a feel of it." Jaebum is getting better at the comforting thing.

"Yeah but it still freaks me out a little bit."

"I'll be there next to you and Jinyoung is the best prompter in the history of prompters according to himself so you just have to remember that you aren't alone. I hope that helps." Jaebum is getting a whole lot better at the comforting thing. Youngjae nods.

"It does."

During a break, Jinyoung has found out that BamBam is about as light as a feather so there is a new hobby for him to pick up literally. They start racing across the stage and taking time. Everyone but the seven of them is out getting coffee so the space is theirs for ten minutes. Jaebum gets competitive as soon as he sees Jinyoung with BamBam on his back and runs to sweep Youngjae onto his own.

"You think you can beat me?" Youngjae holds onto Jaebum for dear life as they align at one end of the stage. Jackson moves to the other end to judge who crosses the invisible finish line first in case it is a close race. Mark shouts "1, 2, 3, GO!" and they are off with Youngjae and BamBam bouncing on their backs. Jaebum puts his angry chin forward but this time from the adrenaline of the competition. BamBam makes some of his out of place sex noises that Youngjae hopes to god are not his actual sex noises. Jaebum comes first by enough to make him drop Youngjae, turn around and pick him back up in victory without asking Jackson for the result. He puts Youngjae back down because he was a millisecond away from kissing him in the glory of the small victory and it freaks him out. He can barely trust his instincts anymore.

"2Jae wins!" Jackson announces. Youngjae and Jaebum stop and stare at Jackson whose hand has been slapped over his mouth. Yugyeom and BamBam have put on their collective look of disappointment while Jinyoung and Mark have frozen in a frightened state of not knowing how Jaebum will react to this. "Hah, yes," Jackson breaks the silence. "Congratulations." He waves his invisible flags with a face of someone who wants to delete everything that has just happened.

"W-what?" The 2Jae thing has not been shared with 2Jae themselves because the reaction was predicted to be something along the lines of what is happening now. Youngjae has gone red as a tomato and Jaebum has his serious face on, he is loud without making a sound and it scares Jackson enough to actually bow and apologise to Jaebum. Youngjae swoops in as soon as his feet will let him move.

"Jaebum, don't do something you'll regret later." Before he has a chance to respond people start coming back into the room and the seven of them have to unfreeze and pretend Jackson didn't just call Youngjae and Jaebum by their secret ship name.

Jackson avoids Jaebum and confides in Mark with his worries. "I saw him hit Youngjae in the face and you did too," he whispers in panic. "He's gonna kill me and on top of my tragic death, he'll be mad at Youngjae." Mark grabs Jackson by his shoulders to stop him from bouncing nervously up and down in his seat.

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