Handcuffs - Roman x Virgil

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Third book! Enjoú!

Third book! Enjoú!

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Patton had watched enough. He grabbed Logan's arm and tugged him up from the couch, leaving the room Roman and Virgil were loudly arguing in.

"We have to do something" Patton spoke, crossing his arms and frowning. Logan nodded in agreement, commenting that their ongoing arguments are quite distracting.

"What can we do? I don't want my sons to fight..." Patton looked like a lost puppy, meaning Logan would have to think of something.

"Remember awhile ago we watched this stupid television show about trying to get two people to become friends?" Patton thought back a few weeks ago, nodding slowly as the memory flashed in his brain.

"Well - one attempt was to make the two participants hold hands. It seemed to work for them as they had to figure out how to work as a team which in turn stopped them from arguing"

"Yes! You're a genius, Logy!" Patton exclaimed.

"I know" Logan smirked, watching Patton rush into the room but come back out a few seconds later.

"How will we make them hold hands? They would never agree!" Logan sighed, looking off to the side, was he really about to suggest this? Anything to get them from arguing...

"I have an idea..."

Later that night when Roman and Virgil had finally fallen asleep Logan and Patton set their plan into action. Logan grabbed his pair of handcuffs he uses for....fun and followed Patton as he carried his son, Roman, to the living room, laying him gently on the couch.

"I'll get my dark strange son...while you hand cuff on hand" Patton grinned, dashing off silently. Logan did so, waiting for Patton to come back.

It only took a few minutes, Patton laid Virgil down above Romans head, Logan handcuffing their arms together.

"Will they hate us?" Patton worried, walking down the hall with Logan. "Most indubitably, but this will be good for them" Logan reassured, Patton seemed to relax and he bid goodnight, kissing Logan's cheek before vanishing to his room.

The next morning Roman was first to awake. He rubbed his eye with one hand, slowly sitting up, confusion taking over. When did he go to the living room?

He tried to lift both arms but his right arm could only move so far, his eyes trailed down his arm to his hand, following along the chain of the handcuff to the other hand attached, his eyes went up his arm and to his face to realise quickly it was Virgil.

"Mother fu-"

He stopped himself as Virgil stirred, rolling over and falling off the couch. Both boys yelped, Roman from being tugged down with him and Virgil from a sudden weight landing on top of him.

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