Rejecting Anxiety - No Ship

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Heyyy look I did a play on "accepting anxiety" so it's "rejecting anxiety" lmao I hate myself

Heyyy look I did a play on "accepting anxiety" so it's "rejecting anxiety" lmao I hate myself

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Trigger warning

"Anxiety you're not helping at all! As per usual"

Anxiety drew his legs closer to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around them in a self-comforting way.

"Anxiety, please, we do not need you here. Ever"

He drew in a shaky breath, feeling his eyes drop with the lack of energy he felt for the past few weeks

"Kiddo...c'mon, don't mess this up for Thomas..."

He felt his stomach grumble in a cry for food, but he didn't move from his bed. Just stayed sitting still, like he had been for the past week.

"Anxiety! Ease up! Ugh! This is why you're the worst aspect!"

Feeling his eyes sting with unshed tears, he huddled himself closer as much as his body would let him, wobbling a little.

"Is it your life goal to make Thomas miserable?"

With weak, tired eyes he watched the tips of his hand slowly start to fade, along with his whole hands, up to his wrists...moving up and up his arms.

"Why do you mess everything up?!"

Finally, he won't go through the verbal abuse any longer, the others can celebrate his death that they were obviously looking forward to.

No one can hurt him anymore...

Suddenly, his room disappeared and he was sitting on the living room stairs, all the sides - including their host - staring at him, all with different expressions.

Anxiety flinched, backing into the wall behind him, his arms appearing once more.

"Are you serious?" Roman began, jerking out a hip. Logan carried on, "were you really planning to fade out?" He remarked, crossing one arm and holding up the other, anger clear in his dark, calculating eyes.

"I can't believe you would be so selfish, Kiddo" Patton said disapprovingly, crossing his arms as if a disappointed Father. Anxiety glanced at them all, before this he was usually able to handle the insults and snarky comments but today? He couldn't go on, as if they were all doing this to see his breaking point.

Well, they succeeded.

Instead of spitting out a reply, he choked out a sob, more and more following suit.

Thomas's eyes widened and he ran to his Anxiety, catching him before he collapsed to the floor in a mess. "I-I'm s-Sorry!" He sobbed, they fell to the floor, Thomas holding him up as best as he could, letting him cry it out. "I-I didn't mean t-to hurt you!" He cried loudly, clutching Thomas like he was a lifeline.

The others watched in horror, somehow only now realising the affect their words had on Anxiety, deserving the immense guilt they felt. Clasping his hands over his mouth, Patton shook his head, almost trying to persuade himself he hadn't said such horrible things to his 'son' but it was no use, he was as much to blame as Roman and Logan.

"Anx.." Thomas whispered, pulling him back. "Breathe" he whispered, watching Anxiety take in large gulps of breath, panic shining in his tears eyes.

Once calmed down, Thomas spoke.

"You never hurt me, without you I would get hurt! I wouldn't have a care, I wouldn't have fear. You impact me in such a big way, that without you...I would never be the same, even if the others try and try, I can't function without you. You're as importing as Roman, Patton and Logan, maybe even more! I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner, I thought you knew! But please..." Thomas pulled him back into a hug.

"Don't ever try to fade again..."

After that incident the sides were vigilant about what they said to Anxiety, even made sure to tell him everyday he was needed, and important. Patton helped him eat again, Roman let him stay in his own room to calm him and sometimes cuddle if he had a panic attack prior.

For once...Anxiety finally felt wanted.

And it was an exhilarating feeling.

Thanks for the request! God, it took me ages to actually start writing it, lmao

Thanks for the request! God, it took me ages to actually start writing it, lmao

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