Stay Away - Roman x Virgil

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I want to cry but I can't.

Guess I'll just silently hate myself.

TW: Stab wounds, mention of blood

"Hey, Roman"

Roman paused at the taunting but creepy voice of Deceit, glancing at the aspect he flashed him a smile, trying to be friendly with him. "Greetings, Deceit! How may I help you today?"

"You can help me by telling me how you look so good all the time" Deceit drawled, circling around Roman as if he were his prey. The fanciful aspect smiled at the compliment, he being too dense to realise it was a lie. Although, it was obvious, with the tone of voice he used, and the fact he was Deceit. But, Roman is innocently clueless.

"Well, I usually just wake up glorious" Roman replied, a proud smirk resting upon his lips. Deceit nodded slowly, hiding an eye roll as he turned to face the aspect fully.

"Listen...I went into the imagination earlier" he explained, tapping his yellow-gloved fingers together. "Really? It's dangerous in there!" Roman exclaimed, tilting his head.

"I didn't know" Deceit smirked, "anyway...the dreadful dragon witch kidnapped a child from the village...wouldn't it be wonderful if you went in and saved her?" Deceit's smirked widened as a sword appeared in Roman's left hand.

"Where?" He demanded, determination set clear in his brown eyes.

"Her tower, hurry up" Deceit watched him charge into the imagination, running across the fields ready to "save the girl". Deceit snorted, shaking his head at Princey's stupidity.

"What did you do?" Virgil demanded, coming out from the corner he stood behind, glaring at the aspect who turned to Virgil. "I sent your boyfriend to save a girl..."

Virgil stared at him, frowning angrily. "Why? You wouldn't care" Deceit chuckled, tilting his head to the side and tapping his chin. "Oh look, you're right" walking by Virgil grabbed his arm, pinning the lying side to the wall. "It's a trap" the anxious side muttered, ready to punch him as he laughed. "We have a loser!"

Virgil pressed his arm painfully against his chest, Deceit wincing slightly. "Don't you dare even think of talking to Roman again..." pushing the aspect to the ground, Virgil rushed into the imagination after the arrogant aspect, leaving Deceit to stand up and brush himself off. Tucking his hat back on his head, he knew he had done what he had to do, and stalked to his room.

"Roman! Princey! You idiot!" Virgil called, making his way to the dragon witches tower. He saw him run through the wooden door, sword in hand and ready to attack. Groaning, Virgil picked up his speed again, panting heavily. He wasn't made for running! Or moving! Why doesn't Roman realise Deceit is a liar?! Is it the compliments!?

Is...Deceit technically the only aspect that compliments him even though it's false?

Shaking his head, Virgil paused in the doorway, staring in the crumbling tower. Silently heading in, he couldn't hear any signs of a kidnapped child, and he definitely didn't see the dragon witch. Why did Roman have to be such a hero...

Sprinting up the stairs, he stopped in the doorway leading to the top room, Roman was stood in the middle, not moving or making a sound. "Roman?" Virgil whispered, slowly walking across the wooden floor. Rounding around him, he gasped, taking a few steps back with a shaky hand covering his mouth.

Roman was frozen in shock, a sword impaled in his stomach, thankfully not going all the way through. By the looks of it it had swung down from the ceiling after he walked in...

"Roman?" Virgil whispered, too terrified to do anything! He just stood there, gasping for breath, watching his boyfriend pale as blood seeped from the wound. Finally, Roman gazed up at Virgil, eyes wide with fear.

"Virgil..." he replied, knees turning into jelly as he collapsed to the floor. The sword was pulled out, Roman screamed in pain, clutching his stomach as he writhed and whimpered.

"Oh god...oh god!" Virgil knelt by his side, shrugging off his jacket to wrap tightly across his stomach. Focusing, Virgil teleported them both to the exit of the imagination, half carrying half dragging the Prince back to the mind.

"PATTON! LOGAN!" He screamed, putting as much pressure as he could on the wound, Roman falling in and out of consciousness. "ANYONE!" He yelled again, tears pooling in his eyes.

Deceit heard the yelling, glancing down the hallway and almost screaming himself. Paralysed in shock and fear, Logan and Patton rushed past him, gasping too at the sight. Logan was first to rush to his side, holding up his head and putting his hand on Virgil's. "Help me lift him and lay him on the counter in the kitchen. Patton, get the aid kit! We must stitch this up..." Virgil winced, stitching?! None of them knew how to do that! Logan kind of did, but he wasn't a doctor!

As they gently but quickly carried him, Deceit hid away in his room, not finding it in himself to show up and help...

Logan pulled off his shirt, Virgil gagged at the scene, having to leave the room as Logan and Patton did whatever they could, trying their best to keep him awake, because there was a chance he might not wake up...

After what felt like forever sitting in a ball in the hallway, Patton slowly walked up to the crying aspect, kneeling by his side. Virgil's head whipped up, scanning his face for any signs but it showed off nothing.

" he?"

"He's fine" Patton murmured quietly, "he wants you" Patton added with a small smile. Virgil nodded, calming his breathing as he hesitantly walked in. His head was propped up on a pillow, bandages wrapped around most of his stomach, blood across the counter and staining the floor.

Virgil stood by his side, Roman's eyes closed, luckily breathing normally. "Fucking Deceit..." he muttered, shaking his head in anger. Roman chuckled, weakly opening his eyes. "Don't...don't be mad at him..." Roman spoke in a horse voice, watching disbelief cross his features. "What?! He- he did this to you!"

"It was just...a silly prank" Roman smiled, reaching over to hold his loves hand. "I'm fine now...aren't I?" Kissing the back of it, Virgil blushed and sighed, smiling a little too.

"Yeah, I guess.."

"Thank you for saving me"


"Without you, I'd be in that tower, bleeding out...thank you" Roman tried to lean up, but Virgil didn't want him in pain, so instead he leaned down and they shared a long kiss.

"I love you" Roman murmured, brushing Virgil's hair back.

"I love you too, sir-sing-a lot..."

Thank for the request!

Sorry if this was different from what you expected.

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