The Man In The Abandoned House - Virgil x Thomas & Patton x Logan

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Virgil stared out across the ocean in front of his new house, the sun high above in the cloudless sky, birds diving down to grab unsuspecting fish, light twinkling against the blue water. It was lovely, he thought, but would never admit it out loud. The peacefulness of it might even help him calm down in midst of a panic attack, if one were to occur.

Letting his eyes wonder, they landed on a three story, fancy looking house across the water, right on the edge that jutted out. Outside, a stone staircase led to the beach below, vegetation taken up most of the path leading to said old house, with vines crawling up the side of the old, blue/green walls.

"Whatcha staring at, Kiddo?" Virgil's friend, Patton, asked, bounding up beside him. "Nothing" he brushed off, turning to send him a small smile, happiness radiating off the childlike friend. Out of him, Virgil and their other friend - Logan - Patton was definitely most pumped to be living in a house facing the ocean in a small, friendly village far away from any civilisation. Virgil was a little hesitant, but once he found out about the amazing internet, he jumped on board.

"Look at the view!" Patton gushed, leaning against the window that took up most of the wall. They were all standing in the empty living room, waiting for the truck that held all their furniture to arrive, Logan chatting to the person who sold them this house.

Most of the space on the bottom floor was taken up by the living room, down the hall to the left led to the kitchen and a few other rooms, while upstairs held two bathrooms, and four bedrooms, with extra spare rooms they didn't know what to do with yet.

"If you have any problems, feel free to contact me" the man spoke, Virgil finally tuning into the conversation. "We will, thank you"

Biting his lip, Virgil turned to Patton, pointing to the house that for some reason intrigued him. "Could you ask him about it...?" He trailed off, gesturing to the man, too anxious to do it himself. Nodding, Patton skipped over, waiting until there was a pause in their conversation to speak. "Do you know anything about the house across the beach?"

The man rose an eyebrow, walking to the window to see what he meant.

"Ah!" He clasped his hands together, "that house has been unused for years. The owner died suddenly, so it was passed down to his son, who lives in America. I'm sure he's forgotten it by now" he explained briefly, smiling kindly. Virgil nodded slowly, staring at the house that seemed to stare back.

After the man left, the three explored the village for awhile, Patton running up to every little shop and stall, buying at least one thing from each, while Logan and Virgil followed behind, happy to let their friend explore. It was becoming late, so they headed back to the house, it didn't take long before the truck arrived holding all their stuff, so as Virgil waited upstairs, to shy to interact and help, Logan and Patton set up the living room, telling the people to move the bedroom stuff upstairs.

It was a hassle, and quite late into the night before they were finished. Logan was a little ticked off at how late they arrived, but he kept it hidden, thanking them shortly before closing the door a little harshly.

Patton wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, giggling at his annoyed expression. "D'you think Virgils okay?" Patton asked softly, letting Logan turn around in his arms, leaning against his chest. "I am sure he is fine. Being here, a place with less people, shall lessen is anxiety" Logan reassured, hugging Patton's hand before heading up the stairs together, walking into their bedroom.

Down the hall, Virgil laid on his bed, staring out the window at the stars shining high, the moon bright and full.

Relaxing, he breathed out steadily, letting himself fall into a peaceful slumber.

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