It's Not Real - Thomas x Virgil

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Virgil's eyes fluttered open slowly, blinking rapidly to try and wake himself up. Why he had woken up at two am was unknown to him until he felt fear settle in his stomach. Someone was having a nightmare...

Sitting up, he flicked his hair from his eyes, checking with Thomas first as usually when it came to one of the sides the fear wasn't as heightened as it was. Appearing in his bedroom, Virgil spotted his host kicking and writhing on his bed, caught up in the blankets while inaudibly repeating the word 'stop' over and over and over.

Rushing to his side, Virgil pressed his shoulders to the mattress, loudly calling his name until his movements slowed and his eyes shot open, widely flickering around Virgil's face until they adjusted to the dark, focusing on the familiar face of his boyfriend.

"Virgil..." he whispered, gripping his forearms and breathing heavily, the nightmare still vivid in his mind.

"You're okay, it's not real" Virgil reassured quietly, letting him go to sit up, glancing around the dark room.

"Thank you.." he drifted, playing with the blankets that were messed up.

"It's no problem..." he mumbled awkwardly, scratching his neck and wondering if he should leave or not. But, that question was quickly answered as Thomas shuffled to the side, pulling the blanket up and patting the spot beside him. "Stay with me?" He offered meekly, still a little shaky from previous events.

"Y-Yeah, uh...sure" Virgil shuffled in next to him, tensing a little as Thomas laid down and cuddled up to him, his breathing calming down the more he was near Virgil.

Softly hugging his boyfriend back, Virgil smiled just a little, never before had he cuddled with Thomas like this.

It felt nice.

"G'night, Nemo" Virgil murmured into his hair.

Thomas shuffled impossibly closer, smiling into his neck.

"Sweet dreams, Teddy"

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