Protective Over Virgil - Roman x Virgil

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Trigger warning: Suicide attempt

I'm so tireddddd

"Where's Virgil?" Roman frowned, scanning over Logan, Patton, Thomas and Deceit who were all lounging on the couch. Yes, I'm trying to incorporate Deceit more, don't judge me.

"He is in his room" Logan replied, smiling a little as Patton rested his head on his shoulder. "He informed me he would rather be alone" Logan added, watching Roman's face twist in worry. It's been awhile since the "accepting anxiety" video and ever since Roman made sure to join Virgil in on everything they all did, never wanting the emo aspect to feel like that again, and tonight counts as a bonding session, and he will not be missing it unless he is sleeping because then he looks adorable.

Sweeping over to Virgil's room, Roman straightened up and knocked on the door, smiling dreamily at the thought of the aspect. But, he didn't answer, meaning he was probably asleep! Grinning, Roman stepped in, glancing around the dark room. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, where is his favourite aspect?

Walking in, he silently closed the door and checked the couch, deciding to head upstairs. Roman checks everywhere, leaving the bathroom till last. Tensing, Roman rapped on the door. "Hot Topic?" Roman called gently, worry sleeping through him as he didn't get a reply. Twisting the door knob, he tensed when he realised it was locked.

"Virgil? Virgil!" Roman panicked, banging on the door but it was no use. Taking a few steps back, Roman repeatedly barged at the door until the old lock gave way. Stumbling in, he instantly noticed Virgil curled up on the floor, shaking violently with a bottle of pills grasped tightly in his hands.

Roman panicked, and let out a yelp, grabbing the bottle and throwing it into the bin, grasping Anxiety the fanciful aspect pulled him into a tight hug, whispering his breathing technique that helped him greatly. Then, Virgil began to cry, loud sobs echoing throughout the small bathroom. He wrapped his weak arms around Roman's shoulders, horrendous thoughts attacking his mind, making him believe he was utterly useless and unwanted when it was the complete opposite.

Roman gently cradled Virgil in his arms, taking him to his bed and laying the aspect on the dark sheets. Dark eyeshadow collected under Roman's eyes but he didn't want to leave, the room giving him anxiety, making him think Virgil would try again if he left. Choking, Virgil laid curled up, feeling ashamed.

Why wasn't he strong enough?

"Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay, why would you do that?! Did you not think of talking to me? Or anyone!?" Roman ranted, wincing slightly after. He couldn't stop the words coming out of his mouth in his state of worry, "I'm sorry..." he added, casting his eyes down, hand resting on Virgil's arm. "If I lost you I could never forgive myself..."

"Y-you won't...I'm sorry" Virgil's horse voice spoke, lifting his arm to wipe away a single tear that rolled down Roman's cheek. "You can't stay here for long..." Virgil murmured, watching Roman shake his head.

"I can't leave you"


But Roman wasn't easily persuaded, instead he scooped Virgil up and took him to a quiet room full of bean bags. Thomas's mind really had a room for everything. Laying him down gently, Roman situated himself beside the weak aspect, combing his hand through his deep purple hair.

"Thank you..." Virgil croaked, almost crying again.

"Promise me to never do that again"

Virgil nodded, curling up a bit, feeling safe with Roman he slowly fell asleep, loving the feeling of Roman's hand in his hair.

For the next three months Roman never left Virgil alone, always making sure someone was with him, most the time it was himself, meaning they couldn't really spend time in their room, but Roman couldn't care less, his entire focus was Virgil, he just couldn't lose him...

After awhile, Virgil persuaded Roman that he was fine, and wanted to be alone for awhile. Roman was hesitant, but agreed, making sure to check on him every half hour.

But, Virgil was sticking to his word, they all - especially Roman - showed they cared so much for Anxiety, and he never wanted the sides to feel like it was their fault he died.

Also, the more time Virgil spent with Roman, the more he just wanted to cuddle the aspect close and kiss him.

Yes, he had feelings, no he wasn't going to voice them to anyone...apart from Logan.

"What do I do?" Virgil frowned, sitting on Logan's bed. The logical aspect sighed, glancing at Virgil from his work. "If he reciprocates your feelings, then he must be in the same state of mind as you. Too afraid to announce to the other, but the longer you keep it hidden, the longer it will hurt you"

Virgil took in Logan's words, thanking him quietly before letting him carry on with his work.

Leaving his room, a body collided with his own, sending the two spiralling down to the ground, Virgil landing on whoever it was. Of course, it was Roman.

"Oh! I was so worried. You weren't in your room..." Roman drifted off, hugging the aspect closely. Virgil smiled a bit, hugging back. "I told you I won't leave you"

"I know, I know..." Roman whispered back, slowly sitting up with Anxiety in his lap. Roman smiled, brushing his long bangs to the side. Blushing, Virgil looked down, fiddling with his sleeves.

"You're adorable" Roman commented, watching the blush rise to his ears. Chuckling softly, Roman leaned down and kissed his head, closing his eyes in content.

"I...I like you" Virgil whispered, loving the feeling of Romans lips on his skin. The fanciful aspect grinned, coiling his arms around his waist. "I like you mine?"

Virgil grinned, still keeping his face hidden.

"I'm yours"

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