Feeling Love - Logan x Patton

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Hey guuuyyyyss....

Patton thought back to the video they all made earlier that day, a single sentence Logan had said sticking in his mind for the rest of the day.

"Thomas, you learning something is the closest I will ever be to feeling love"

Patton knew he was upset, because everyone should feel love, especially Logan! And besides...Patton may or may not have a tiny, small, medium, kinda large, very big, massive crush on Logan. Patton wanted Logan to know that he liked him and will probably love him in the near future.

Heading to his room he knocked and walked straight in, a novelty that wore off instantly.

He's walked in on all the sides - including Thomas - getting changed, he just really...doesn't learn.

Logan leaned back in his chair, looking at Patton who closed the door with his hip and bounced over, standing behind Logan's chair and leaning on him comfortably, his brown eyes staring at the work on the desk.

"Whatcha doin'?"

"Work" Logan replied bluntly, glancing at the paper neatly organised on his dark wooden desk. Patton spun Logan's chair around so the smarter side was facing him, a grin on his face, Logan thought he looked cute but didn't advance on said thought.

"I need to...tell you...something" Patton explained, cocking his head to the side. "What is it?" Logan paused, sighing. "Did Roman burn himself again? Ugh-"

"No, no! Not yet" Patton giggled, "yet" Logan quoted, shaking his head softly, eyes meeting with Pattons once more.

"I...like you" Patton smiled, a crimson blush settling on his cheeks. "In a romantic way! It's okay if you don't feel the same, but I wanted to tell you...so you would feel loved" Patton explained, standing straight and fiddling with the sleeves tied together loosely over his shoulders.

Logan slowly arose, feeling a weird sensation in his stomach.

"Coincidentally earlier today I spoke with Virgil about certain...feelings I have been having recently, he said I could possibly have romantic feelings for you" he explained, giving Patton a small smile in return.

Patton gasped happily, his body raising slightly. "Really?!"

"Yes, but I do not know for sure. How can I prove this theory to be correct?"

Patton giggled, cupping one of Logan's cheeks he leaned forward and kissed him gently, pulling back to see Logan's pupils dilated and mouth hanging open. Giggling Patton coiled an arm around Logan's waist. Biting his lip nervously Logan watched, his heart speeding up.

"Stop that" Logan whispered.

"Stop what?" Patton murmured, biting his lip once more. Logan felt his hands get clammy, not thinking straight he leaned in, pressing his lips against Pattons.

The two inched forward during the kiss, arms wrapping around the others body to get even closer.

Finally pulling part they both panted, Patton giggling softly.

"So...do you feel loved yet?"

"Yes" Logan breathed. "Very much"

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