Pronunciation - Roman x Virgil

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I really need to do requests manohman I'm a bad author-


Roman strolled into the usual coffee shop he stopped at, waiting in line to order. He noticed the same barista that serves him was there and grinned, getting excited to finally get back at him for the many times he's (purposely) spelt Roman's name wrong. After waiting for not too long, he stood at the counter, a smirk on his face.

As soon as Virgil turned to him, he let out a groan.

"Hey, Virgin!" Roman grinned, watching shock contort with Virgil's features for a few seconds. Roman of course knew his real name, he looked at it on his name tag as soon as Roman saw his beautiful face.

Virgil narrowed his eyes, leaning on the counter too so their faces were close. "Oh, really? How mature" he sarcastically muttered, trying not to let any of the other workers hear his conversation, to a customer, no less.

"Mm, I'll stop when you learn how to spell Roman" he replied cockily, Virgil shook his head and leaned back, not asking for his order as he knew it off by heart by now. Not that he purposely memorised it or anything- *cough* *cough*

Sliding the cup to him, Roman did a little wave as a goodbye and left the shop, looking at his name on the side, laughing at what it said.


The next day, Roman came in at the same time, waltzing up to the counter. Dinging the bell, Virgil turned around and sighed, giving him an unimpressed look. "Greetings, Virginia" Roman smirked, Virgil making his drink while shaking his head. "Are you really going to come in everyday? I only work weekends" Virgil spoke, handing him the cup. Roman purposely didn't read the name, always waiting until he left.

"Thank you, now I know when to come in" Virgil mentally slapped himself, now Roman would never leave him alone! But, he had to argue with himself if that was really a bad thing. Taking his leave, Virgil watched him laugh at the name on the cup through the window, sighing out happily.

"If he wasn't gay he'd be mine by now, what's taking so long?" Another worker who was friends with Virgil groaned, staring at the side of his face. Virgil sighed, shaking his head. "He'd never go for someone like me, I'm sure he already has a boyfriend"

"You don't know that! But it wouldn't really matter..." she grinned, watching his head spin to face her, mouth hanging open. "He could be married!"

"That's never stopped anyone!"

"Oh my god-" Virgil groaned, turning around and heading to the back, hiding a smile at his friend who was calling apologies.

The next weekend Roman came in, coming up with another stupid way to pronounce Virgil's name as Virgil wrote an insult on the cup, seeing him laugh and smile was always the highlight of his day. Romans weekend visits became something Virgil was always excited for, it was the biggest reason he actually arrived at work most of the time. But, when Roman didn't come in one week, Virgil would be lying if he said he wasn't worried.

He was overreacting like he usually does, Roman was probably busy, as he does have a life outside of his coffee shop visits. But, Virgil couldn't help but think about the 'what ifs' the scariest one being what if Roman got hurt.

His friend noticed his hidden distress, but said nothing, she didn't know why Roman wasn't here, but she was never good at reassuring, so all she could do was watch him silently suffer with his thoughts.

The next day, Virgil was on edge, serving people quickly, most of the time not paying attention to their order! They grumbled, but didn't complain, Virgil couldn't care less if they did at this point. Around midday, he lost hope of Roman coming in, so he finally focused on the customers.

Next in line was a rather tall, grouchy looking woman who grumbled out her order, mostly paying attention to her phone. Virgil bit his lip, tapping the counter nervously.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you-"

The woman lifted her head, glaring at Virgil who stumbled, trying to apologise.

"Do they just hire any random people from the streets?! Learn how to do your job! I want a coffee, normal coffee" she spoke loudly, gaining some people's attention. Virgil nodded, mumbling an apology before quickly making her drink. Due to being yelled at, he suddenly became nervous, his hands shaking as he made the coffee, trying not to spill it.

"Hurry up!" She called, making Virgil rush and drop the drink, gasping as some of the scorching hot liquid burned his arm.


"YELL at him one more time and I will poor coffee on you" Roman remarked, speaking loudly at the beginning to gain her attention. She whipped towards Roman, glaring daggers at the man who stood his ground, being level headed and keeping cool.

"I advise you to leave"

"I advise you to get out of my face! All I wanted was a coffee-"

"He was making your coffee, but your constant yells made him panic, this is your fault, so go calm down and find somewhere else to serve you coffee. Now" Roman added sternly, watching her gasp and stammer before stomping her foot, leaving the shop in a huff. Roman shook his head, turning to Virgil who was standing by the machine, blushing furiously. Everyone in the cafe quickly turned back to whoever they were with, chatter filling up the silence.

"Come here" Roman beckoned him over softly, Virgil's legs doing it for him and taking him to Roman. The man gently grabbed his arm, grazing his thumb over the burn. "I can't stand people like her" Roman murmured, annoyed. Jumping over the counter, Virgil watched him with wide eyes and an open mouth as he led him to the closest sink, running the burn under warm water.

"Shouldn't it be cold-?"

"My brother showed me this, he said the pain dies down faster when put under warm water" Roman cut him off, still holding his arm delicately even if he didn't need to. Virgil bit his lip, turning his head away to hide his blush even though Roman already caught it.

"Where were you yesterday, I was worried" Virgil tried to lighten the mood, letting Roman wrap clingfilm around the burn. He chuckled, smiling up at him. "My brother is hopeless with romance, but I knew Patton was perfect for him! They're dating now, thanks to me, the professional romance!" He grinned, gesturing to himself dramatically.

Virgil rose his eyebrow. "If you're so good at romance, why're you single?"

"How'd you know that?" He smirked. Virgil shrugged, returning his smirk.

"A hunch"

Roman took a step closer, but Virgil didn't move, tilting his head back slightly to stare up at Roman who grinned down at him, "I do like someone, though"

"Oh yeah, who?"

Virgil's question was answered as Roman's lips were gently placed on his own, molding together perfectly. Breaking apart, Roman still held his hand against his foundation covered cheek.


Thank for the request!

I'm sorry idk where I went with this one-

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