Kidnapped - Thomas x Virgil

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( T_T)(^-^ )

*pat pat*

"Virgil!" Thomas yelled, slamming his hand against the window as he watched in paralysed fear Virgil being dragged down the street by two men. He struggled and screamed, calling thomas's name over and over. Thomas jumped away from the window, finally not glued to the floor he sprinted down the stairs and slammed open the front door, once he made it to the street they were gone.

"Virgil?" He called, running down the path where they were dragging him.

"Virgil!" He cried, running and running but he couldn't find him...he couldn't find anything.

It was like Virgil was never there!

Tears sprung in Thomas's eyes as he twirled around the empty street, calling Virgils name, each time louder than before. "Thomas!" He heard a faint voice. Snapping his head towards the sound he ran, sprinting as fast as he could too the call he knew to be Virgils.

"Thomas!" It was louder and more clear this time. "I'm coming!" He called, tears pouring down his cheek as his lungs burned for oxygen he refused to breathe in.

"Thomas!" The noise was so loud it startled Thomas to a stop, falling to the sidewalk Thomas looked around widely but he couldn't see his love. "Virgil?"

"Thomas!" The voice surrounded him, coming at all angles. Wincing he blocked his ears and curled up into a ball. "Virgil" he sniffled.

"Thomas...! Wake up!"

Thomas's eyes flew open and he was met with Virgil's which were filled with worry and fright. "Thomas? Oh, you're awake" he sounded relieved. Pulling Thomas up from the bed Virgil hugged him tightly, Thomas was too stunned to do anything so he let Virgil embrace him for awhile.

"You scared me to death" Virgil muttered, leaning back and narrowing his eyes. "You started screaming...I thought you were in pain" he mumbled, hugging Thomas once more. "Did you have a nightmare?" Thomas meekly nodded, coiling his shaky arms weakly around Virgils waist, burying his tear stained cheeks into Virgils neck.

Slowly laying down Virgil let Thomas hug him close with no protest. Just from hearing his yells obviously the nightmare was terrifying and distressing. Virgil was a little shaky himself, whenever Thomas was scared he would be to but he pushed away his own fear to try and comfort Thomas, running a hand through his purple-y silk hair seemed to help.

Once Thomas calmed down Virgil gently asked what the nightmare was about.

Sniffling, Thomas replied. "Y-you were kidnapped...I couldn't find you" he whispered, clutching tighter to Virgil as if he might slip away from his grasp.

Virgil frowned, closing his eyes and resting his head above Thomas's. "I promise I'll never leave you" he murmured, comfort not his forte.

Thomas nodded against his neck, somehow pulling himself closer. "Thank you"

"Don't mention it...Nemo"

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