Snake 2 - Logan x Virgil

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Really good song 👌🏻! Title: Selena Gomez, Marshmello - Wolves

In the first OneShot I made about Virgils snake Logan stated that if the pet snake laid next to Virgil outstretched the snake was trying to see if it could eat him or whatever

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In the first OneShot I made about Virgils snake Logan stated that if the pet snake laid next to Virgil outstretched the snake was trying to see if it could eat him or whatever

I know this to not be true. In fact I knew it wasn't true as I was writing it but one: it's a cool concept and two: The snakes from Thomas's mind are different.

"Hey, Princey!" Virgil called to the royal trait as he passed the living room. Roman peeked his head in, narrowing his eyes at the snake currently comfortably coiled around Virgil.

"Yes?" He replied, his face scrunching up.

"Roman, did you know if Virgils snake lays next to you in bed fully outstretched it is planning to eat you?" Logan questioned, Roman tensed, slowly backing away. "Keep that snake away from me" was all Roman said before he left, leaving Logan and Virgil to turn to each other, smirking.

Later that night Roman couldn't fall asleep easy, the idea of that stupid snake slithering in...

He hated snakes.

Hated them so bad if he went close to Virgils snake he would have a panic attack and or faint. Romans one weakness.

Finally the royal slipped into slumber, a few minutes later Logan and Virgil appeared in his room.

"Lay Fluffy down, I shall awaken him" Logan said, standing on one side of the bed while Virgil laid Fluffy on the other.

"Ready" Virgil grinned, dragging a hand softly down the snakes back.

Logan shook Roman awake, the royal groaning and rubbing his eyes. Focusing on the object next to him it took his brain a few seconds to realise what it was before a scream echoed around through the mind.

Springing up from bed he fell to the ground, wincing in pain but getting up once more and running into his wall, collapsing to the ground once more and curling into a ball, shaking in utter fear.

Virgil covered his mouth but his laughter was still obvious, Logan even snorted, composing himself after.

"Roman, it was only a joke" Logan stated, watching Virgil bring Fluffy back onto his body.

"Roman...?" Logan called, turning his head. The door suddenly burst open and in sprinted Patton, holding a...blow-up baseball bat?

"WHO HURT ONE OF MY BABIES?!" He screeched, seeing Roman in the corner and standing protectively beside him, clutching the blow-up baseball bat so tightly it was close to popping.

"Patton, it's just a prank-" Virgil chuckled, nearing Roman.

"N-no! Stay away!" Roman yelled, clutching Pattons leg. Virgil could actually see the fear clear in Romans eyes.

"P-please" he added, Patton kneeling down and hugging Roman close.

"Are you alright?" Logan decided to ask, breaking the awkward silence. "F-Fine" Roman muttered, hiding his face in Pattons chest.

"How two leave" Patton suggested, frowning at Logan and Virgil. "It may be best"

"Uh...yeah" Virgil glanced at Logan who walked out with him. The door closed and Roman shuffled closer to Patton.

"I can't believe them..." Roman muttered. "I'm sorry they scared you..." Patton whispered, kissing his head fatherly.

"If I did that and Virgil went into his panic attack...I would be the bad guy" Roman muttered, standing up with Patton. "But to them it's a joke! That stupid snake...ugh" Roman ranted quietly to himself, turning to Patton. "Please don't leave me alone..."

"Of course! Your room should be fine to sleep in" Patton giggled, laying next to Roman and hugging the side close, telling him Fluffy will never be near him again.

Next day came and Virgil tried to walk to Roman but Princey flinched, slowly backing away.

"That seriously affected you, didn't it?" He asked, frowning. Roman glanced at Patton, clearing his throat and standing up straight. "Just....stay away from me" Roman muttered, embarrassed and terrified he entered the kitchen.

Virgil sighed, watching Patton wordlessly follow the Prince. Logan stood close to Virgil the entire time. "Do not worry" Logan smiled. "Roman will be fine tomorrow. I am sure it was...frightening"

"Stop making me feel bad" Virgil sighed, Logan chuckled and they walked down the hallway opposite to the kitchen.

The next day Logan was right, Roman was better again but he still hated Fluffy and forever will.

Thanks for the request!

Why do I wait until 1:22am to update lol

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Why do I wait until 1:22am to update lol

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