Save The Child - Roman & Virgil

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Going on a trip with my school for four days on Friday, so lack of updates pursue


Roman looked between the two cans, wondering which one he should buy. He can be quite indecisive when it comes to food, and he always wants to try something new! So grocery shopping every weekend can be a hassle. Eventually, he shrugged and threw both in, carrying on down the isle. A little ways on he saw a child part from his parents, he looked around five or six, distracted by a rack full of candy. Roman quirked an eyebrow, but thought nothing off it as the kid plucked a sweet from the box, stuffing it into his mouth.

Pushing on, Roman hummed along to the faint music playing through the speakers, dropping a few things into his cart as he passed by.

"S-stop, let me go!"

Roman paused, furrowing his eyebrows at the quiet yet distressed voice of a child. Abandoning the cart, he peeked around a corner empty of human life, spotting the same child as before being gripped tightly by an older, homeless looking man.

Stepping in, Roman went to speak but the man wrapped the kid under his coat, sprinting down the isle. Letting out a startled yelp, Roman quickly burst into speed after him but he got a head start and goddamn he was fast.

"Stop him!" Roman yelled, other citizens in the shop watched but none had the courage to step in. Groaning, Roman followed the man quickly as he slipped out the shop, making a break for it across the parking lot. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, Roman finally caught up, sticking out an arm to grab the back of his thick, ripped coat, pulling him to the ground.

He kicked Roman's shins but the brave man didn't notice, instead he punched as hard as he could at his nose, grabbing the small, trembling child from his clutches.

Roman glanced around, spotting security running over. "He tried to kidnap this child!" Roman explained, quickly darting by and back into the shop, looking desperately for the children's parents.

"Hey, little one?" Roman said in a hushed voice, holding him tightly as he curled into a ball, sobbing. Setting him down, Roman kneeled in front of him, rubbing his knee. "What's your name?" Roman tried, but he couldn't breathe, let alone speak. Feeling panicked, Roman sat by his side, whispering a breathing technique his brother used for a friend of his, it seemed to work as the young child could finally breathe in and out normally, but large tears still rolled down his red cheeks.

"I'm Roman" the saviour introduced, smiling reassuringly at the kid as he peeked through his bangs.

"I-I-...Virgil" he murmured very quietly, but Roman heard. "Virgil? How adorable...let's find your parents, shall we?" Virgil nodded and held Romans's hand as they walked to one of the counters, Roman requesting if they could ask for Virgil's parents through the speakers.

It didn't take long before a distressed couple rushed up to the till, asking for their child hurriedly.

"Is that them?" Roman asked quietly, Virgil sitting in his lap. "Dad!" Virgil gasped, making grabby hands towards them. Smiling, Roman carried the small boy over, catching one of the twos attention. He -like the other- wore glasses and a tie, relief flooding through his dark brown eyes.

"Love, calm down" the man whispered, taking Virgil from Roman. "I can't calm down, Logan! Not until we find....Virgil!" Roman chuckled, watching the couple hug their child tightly, he too hugging back.

"Thank you" Logan mouthed to Roman who bowed graciously, waving at the parent as he went back to his cart and carried on his shopping.

Thanks for the request!

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