Flustered Flirter - Roman x Virgil x Logan x Patton

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Look at me finally doing requests 

Unedited, sorry!

Everyone knew Roman was a massive flirt, and would flirt with each of the sides everyday! They didn't mind, in fact they found it endearing and cute, but because of Romans constant flirting they all assumed if someone flirted at him he could take it easily, probably even retort with a better flirt with a click of his fingers but oh...they were wrong.

"I want to be in the imagination!" Roman complained one evening, in the shared living room with the others.

"I'd rather you be in my arms" Virgil shot back smoothly, more smooth than he expected to be honest, usually he wasn't a flirting-type but sometimes if he thought of something in the moment he would say it.

Roman stuttered, stuttered, and blushed! Snorting, Virgil rose an eyebrow at the clearly flustered trait, watching him make up a silly excuse before vanishing to his room.

"Huh" Virgil slowly smirked, "Princey gets flustered easily..." he glanced at the other two watched the whole event occur.  "Oh, we are definitely going to have some fun"

The next morning the three traits who shared a bed the night before lazily walked through the kitchen, Virgil letting a smirk creep onto his face as he listened to Patton speak.

"Hey, beautiful" Patton grinned at Roman who paused, fighting back the blush that fought to rise on his cheeks. "M-me? Oh uh- t-thanks" he managed, sitting at the table and eating quietly, keeping his gaze casted down out of embarrassment.

"If I am correct, I do believe someone is flustered, right Roman?" Logan said, eating his breakfast with a knowing look in his brown eyes. Roman cleared his throat, "I have no idea what you mean" he replied, obviously lying by the tone of his voice.

"Don't lie, sweetheart" Virgil spoke in a sultry way, landing a hand on his thigh. Roman tensed under the human contact, nearly choking on his food. "V-Virgil-"


Roman purposely didn't speak, focusing back on his food. He knew what they were doing, not that he didn't like it but he also hated feeling embarrassed. He was a confident Prince! He should never feel embarrassed!

"Aww, why can't we hear that angelic voice of yours?" Patton giggled cutely, feeling happy when he saw Romans ears tinge a bright red colour.

"Stop" Roman finally, meekly, whispered. Standing up to wash his plate, tensing as two hands landed on his waist. "D'you really want us to stop?" Virgil whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. Roman spun around in his hold, smashing his lips against Virgils who froze in shock.

"No, but not this early" he whispered back, cupping his face, "I'm too tired to appreciate it fully" grinning, he tapped Virgils ass and pressed kisses to the other twos lips, leaving the room in a flash. Finally regaining composure, Virgil grinned at the empty doorway, blushing lightly.

"That Prince..."

Thanks for the request you amazing human!

Thanks for the request you amazing human!

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Sorry it took so long! 😚

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