Sneeze & Appear - Roman x Virgil

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I think I've wrote a OneShot like this before

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I think I've wrote a OneShot like this before...oh well


Roman laid unmoving on the living room couch, a thicc blanket wrapped around his cold body tightly, nose red and blocked. He hates catching the cold, it leaves him practically useless until he is better! He may like to be lazy sometimes, but not all day!

He sighed, closing his eyes, readying for the sneeze he felt coming.

Just before he sneezed, Virgil walked in, holding the box of tissues Roman kindly requested for, in time to see Roman sneeze loudly. That was normal - what wasn't normal was the trash can that suddenly appeared on the coffee table. Confused, Virgil slowly walked to Roman, keeping his eye on it.

"Puppy? You alright?"

All he got in reply was a muffled grumble, chuckling he put the box on the table next to Roman, holding a few other necessities. "Did you put that trash can there?" He questioned, crossing his arms, fully staring at the unmoving can. Roman blew into a tissue, accidentally not hearing what Virgil had said. Sighing, the anxious trait shrugged it off and headed for the kitchen.

Next, Patton bounded in holding a medicine bottle for Roman. He took no notice of the trash can, instead he sat on the couch and ran his fingers through Roman's hair a few times. "Can you sit up?" He asked gently, seeing the slight nod from Romans head. "C'mon then, kiddo" he smiled softly, helping Roman sit up.

He groaned, opening his mouth to swallow the medicine. Smiling, Patton laid him back down, giggling as he sneezed. "You'll feel better soon!" Patton reassured, kissing his head before standing up. He spun around and jumped at the sudden pile of teddy bears behind him.

Shrugging it off, he went back to the "medical room" that basically held all the first-aid stuff, passing Logan on the way. "How are you feeling, Roman?" The logical trait asked, closing his book and clutching it in one hand. "Mmmmm" roman moaned in agony, Logan smirking a bit.

Glancing at the trash can and teddies, he rose an eyebrow but all was answered as Roman sneezed and a stack of books appeared by the television.

"Hmm" he hummed in thought, turning to Roman who was under the blanket completely. "Roman, could you possibly sneeze again?" He requested, not a few seconds later and he did. Logan whipped his head towards the papers that fluttered to the ground, all covered in near hand writing.

He hummed again, calling for Virgil who trudged in, sitting beside his boyfriend who instinctively reached for his hand, clutching it tightly.


"Wait a minute" Logan replied, sitting on the arm chair. They waited in silence, Roman eventually sneezed and Logan pointed at the text books that appeared, although all of them were on Anxiety-related topics.

"Woah...did you do that?" Virgil questioned, going to stand but remembering the grip Roman had on his hand. "No, Roman did. He sneezes, and things appear"

"Hey, kiddos!" Patton grinned, skipping into the room just as Roman sneezed. A giant dog plushie appeared, wearing glasses, a tie and headphones.

"That's it!" Logan clicked his fingers, "whoever is in the room while Roman sneezes has apart of themselves in whatever appears! Oh, I am good" he grinned to himself. Patton furrowed his eyebrows, petting the toy dog gently. "What do you mean, Logy Bear?"

The trait explained what was happening, Roman listening in.

"Does it happen to everyone...?"

"Maybe not, it has not happened in the past" Logan stated, folding one arm and scratching his chin with the other. "Confusing, but interesting" he declared, mostly to himself.

"What-Wait, why did a trash can appear while I was in here?!" Virgil pouted, glaring at Roman as if it was his fault.

"You're trash" Roman coughed under the blanket, hearing a huff from Virgil but he wasn't really offended. After that, they all left the room, watching as Roman sneezed and nothing appeared from thin air.

"Peculiar" Logan muttered, "Well...I suppose we cannot enter until Roman is better" with that, he spun around and vanished to his room. Patton grinned and followed, wanting to cuddle with his favourite trait.

Sighing, Virgil walked back in, tugging the blanket away from Romans pale face. "See ya in the morning, Puppy" he mumbled, covering his head once more.

As he left, Roman sneezed quietly, a pair of headphones appeared on the coffee table, on each side the words "my hero" was engraved on it.

Virgil was overjoyed to find them the next day.

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