Stuck In The Closet - Roman x Virgil

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Trigger warning ⚠️: homophobia

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Trigger warning ⚠️: homophobia


Roman was a famous man who virtually had everything he wanted, but he never asked for much. All he wanted was loving family and friends, which he had an abundance of. He was mostly famous because of his acting, but some people knoknew of his singing - but that was usually just tucked away to the side most days. He was a loyal man - his girlfriend would agree - who recently stumbled across a problem that would haunt his life.

He was gay.

Growing up, Roman new from the start his family were not accepting, only a few members were but they consisted of distant cousins and such. He never wanted to act on the feeling he had for boys, deciding to stick with girls. He tried and tried, but throughout school every girl he dated ended badly, because he didn't even like them romantically! He couldn't! But the boys...sometimes he couldn't keep his eye off the jocks.

He thought something was wrong with him, with his family always bringing it up, how being gay is "wrong" and "sinful" but once he turned eighteen and finally broke he had a one night stand with a man and it was the best thing he'd ever experience. Not the sex, even though it was great, more of the fact Roman had come to terms with his gayness, for a few days he was happy, but it diminished once he realises if he told anyone...he'd be alone.

News would spread, headlines across all social media, not everyone would hate him, but they're his fans, he didn't know them personally. His family would disown him on the spot, and not to mention what his homophobic girlfriend would do. So, he fell back into the figurative closet, locking the doors and throwing away the key.

That was, until, Virgil showed up.

They met a year ago, Virgil was sitting on a roof, minding his own business. He usually did it to just be...alone, staring up at the light polluted sky.

Roman was in the same building, having an argument with a friend, in the end he stormed upstairs to the roof for some fresh air, instantly spotting Virgil.

He sat beside him in silence for awhile, slowly calming down enough to speak, and they did for hours. Obviously they swapped numbers, and not once did Virgil mention Romans fame, which he was very grateful for. They went for "dates" and always hung out whenever they were free. They never said it, but it was obvious the two liked each other, they couldn't act on their feelings though, because of Romans situation.

If that got out, Roman would lose his family he loved deeply. He couldn't physically live with them hating him for something he couldn't change. It would break him.

Though, to keep him sane, he and Virgil often hung out, never doing anything that would correlate to cheating. Virgils family knew of their obvious attraction, but they also knew the entire situation, although they felt terrible, what could they do? So, in hopes of helping, they let Roman stay over their house whenever he wanted, or needed, it.

And that was what he was currently doing, laying on Virgils bed, the two cuddled to each other's sides, watching random underrated movies.

Suddenly, Romans phone rang. Checking the ID, Roman sighed and sat up, answering the phone.

"Hey, Scarlet"

It was his girlfriend. Virgil sat up, noticing over the past year Roman stopped calling her cute pet names.

"Hey, baby!"

Virgil cringed, watching Romans face fall to one of sadness and despair.

"How are you?" He asked in his fake happy voice, one Scarlet thought was his real one...maybe because she's never heard or seen him truly happy, unlike Virgil.

"I'm good! So, I was thinking-"

She doesn't even ask him back? Virgil thought, bitterly.

"Why don't we go out on a date on Friday! I have this new dress I would love to flaunt, and social media is getting rowdy, what do you say?"

So, she only wants to go out for her dress and paparazzi? She was always like this, Virgil wondered why Roman ever dated her, I mean he knew he couldn't date a man, but at least chose a nicer woman-oh...

That's it. It suddenly clicked.

Roman chose a woman like this so when he eventually told her...or if the news ever got out he wouldn't feel as guilty for leading her on this entire, but she was slowly destroying Roman.

"Yeah, sounds great, you're still in France, right?" Roman asked meekly, staring at the bedding with emotionless eyes.

"I am! Oh, got to go, cute boys!"

With that, the line went dead.

Slowly placing his phone back on the bedside table, Roman couldn't handle it anymore. Laying down, he pulled Virgil in for a hug tightly, hiding his face in his shoulder as he silently cried, shoulders shaking softly.

"Roman...I'm so sorry" Virgil whispered, rubbing his back.

They stayed like that for a few hours until Virgils Mother came in. Now, Virgil had his own apartment, but the building was currently under construction, so he had to live back with his parents and younger sister. None of them minded, of course, they loved his company and Roman's, too.

"Is he okay?" She mouthed, frowning. Virgil shook his head and she sighed, "Why don't you bring up your dinner, Hun?" She spoke to Virgil who nodded. Slowly breaking from Roman, he tried to smile but he physically couldn't.

"It's okay" Virgil quietly whispered, "don't force happiness" he added, leaning down to kiss his temple. Quietly leaving, his Mother sat next to Roman, rubbing his shoulder softly.

"They'll hate me" He whispered brokenly, "I'll have no family..." he added, covering his eyes once more. "That's not true" Virgils Mother spoke firmly, moving his hair from his face. "You have us, we're family, you'll never be alone" Roman sniffled, peeking up at Virgils mother through his lashes.

"R-really?" He hiccuped, she nodded and pulled Roman into a hug.

"We love you, Roman, and so does Virgil...I say" she began, pulling back to stare into his glossy eyes, picking up one of his hands in both of hers. "Break things off with Scarlet, and...if your family can't accept you for who you are, they are not your family" Roman nodded, this time able to smile.

"Thank you" He whispered.

"Anything for you" she whispered back, kissing his head motherly.

Virgil came back in, smiling at his Mother as she left. They ate food, talking and joking together, and...even if it was only for a few hours, Roman felt content.

He felt happy, being with Virgil.

Ahhhhh I don't know what this was either but heyyyyy finally not a OneShot about Deceit lmaoooo

I just really love him okay his yellow eye is cool-

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