Picture - Virgil x Roman

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"Come on" Virgil huffed, tugging one of his t-shirts on a top shelf in his wardrobe, it was caught on something but he was too small to reach up and unhook it. Annoyed, he did one final tug and watched with wide eyes as a box came down with it. Gasping, he leapt backwards, watching a bunch of pictures scatter across the carpeted floor.

Calming his breathing he bent down, pushing them clumsily back in, but one picture caught his eye. Slowly picking it up he scanned it over, smiling a bit. It was a picture Roman had obviously taken, they were younger, Virgil asleep on his bed with Roman laying next to him, a wide grin adorning his face as he stared at the side of Virgils face. Flipping it over he read the words written in cursive writing.

"I love my baby emo nightmare!"

Blushing, Virgil packed away the rest of the photos but kept the one with him and Roman, placing it on his bedside table as a reminder of how close the two used to be.

"Anxiety?" Roman called, entering his room after knocking. He grumbled, noticing the trait he was trying to find wasn't here.

Walking up to his bed he poked the lump, sighing when it was just his thick blanket. "Where is that emo..." he whispered, taking a double take to the desk next to his bed. Slowly picking up the picture he narrowed his eyes, wondering how Virgil had gotten this in his possession.


"Hmm?" Roman turned, almost forgetting he was in Virgils room. "Oh! Yes!" Roman glided over to him. "We are having a movie night! Would you care to join?" He smiled, still holding the picture.

Virgil went to reply when he noticed it in the royals hand, blushing a little after. Roman followed his eye, making a little 'Oh!' When he spotted it.

"When did you take that?" Virgil scratched his neck awkwardly. Roman shrugged, would he ever admit the reason he captured the shot was because he liked the certain anxious trait?

...would he also admit the feelings never faded?

"A few years ago" he replied, handing the picture to him with a faint smile.

"Anyway, movie?" He changed the subject,  heading to Virgils door.

Anxiety read the back of the picture again, gaining the courage to do something stupid

"Hey, Roman?"

The Prince turned around half way.

Holding up the back of the picture, Virgil gestured to the writing.

"I love you, too"


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