Light - Virgil x Roman

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Two more days until schools over!

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Two more days until schools over!

Depressing 'cus I like school

Virgil laid on his back in his silent room, he was listening to music but after his playlist ended he just pulled out his earphones and decided to rest in silence. His eyes trailed across his patterned ceiling until they landed on the light hanging from above.

Squinting his eyes the light bulb flashed on, it becoming brighter and brighter. Smiling slightly Virgil slowly turned it down until it went out - leaving him in darkness.

He didn't know how long he's had the power to control light, nor could he remember the first time he ever used them. Assuming he had them all his life he wondered why the other sides didn't have powers either, or they could but they hadn't revealed it yet.

The sides had "powers" of some sort, like their shared ability to shape-shift, summon anything they desire, and teleport, but from what Virgil knew none of them had their own powers - apart from himself.

It was much more of a burden as sometimes the power could get out of hand, he had to concentrate most of his brain on the powers so the lights don't accidentally flicker or dim - especially when he's with the others.

Much like now, as he was thinking instead of focusing on his powers his lights began to fade from dark to bright then back to dark, bright, etc.

Shooting his arm out he pointed his open hand towards the light, suddenly the light flicked off and the bulb fizzled.

"Dammit" he muttered, trying to turn on the light but alas, the bulb had broke. He could make light from his hand but that took more energy - energy he didn't have due to his lack of sleep every night.

Whatever, he thought, I don't need a light.

Virgil never thought his powers would be revealed, it was something he could hide so he just kept it to himself.


"Halfwit" Logan spat at Roman, Patton and Virgil on the other couch, both watching the argument between the royal and the nerd.

"Egotistical nerd!" Roman retorted, glaring daggers at the trait. Logan rolled his eyes, "I am barely egotistical compared to your arrogance"

It kept going back and forth until Virgil had enough.

"Shut. Up!" He yelled, anger taking over for him and his powers. The bulbs in the room went so bright they exploded, it took half a second and Patton jumped and yelped at the sudden noise of glass shattering.

The sides went silent, all frozen in the sudden dark room.

"What...just happened?" Roman finally spoke, slowly standing up and walking across the floor until he was next to Virgil, holding his hand incase the usually more anxious side was scared. Virgil squeezed his hand gratefully.

"The bulbs seemed to have broke" Logan replied, also standing up. "Patton? Are you alright?"

"L-Logan" he sniffled, hugging himself tightly while his body shook. Virgils heart dropped knowing it was his fault he terrified his 'Dad'. "I am here, Love, do not worry" Logan spoke carefully, slowly sitting next to Patton who shuffled into his awkward but loving embrace.

"How did they break? Nothing like that should happen here! We're in the mind" Roman spoke to no one in particular, kissing Virgils head before standing up and slowly stepping to the kitchen where there are torches in the draw.

"Be careful, Princey, there is glass-"

"Ow, sh-Disney!"

"I digress"

"Princey?" Virgil worried, focusing on the dark figure that was Roman who had fallen to the ground. "Don't worry!" He called, "I'm-fuck-alright!" He whispered the curse as he yanked the small glass shards from his foot.

"Why don't I wear shoes" he whispered to himself, teleporting to the kitchen instead of walking.

"...this is my fault" Virgil murmured, not expecting anyone to hear. "Your fault? You did nothing wrong, kiddo!" Patton reassured the side, still cuddled up to Logan.

"It is slight unnerving the bulbs exploded as soon as you got mad, though" Logan added. Virgil sighed, they would need an explanation, and Virgil would give it to them...after.

Suddenly, Roman walked back in, Virgil could tell even in the dark he was limping. "I have a torch! But it barely works..." Roman huffed, tapping the torch but only getting a dim light.

"Give it here" Virgil called, holding his hand out. Passing the torch to him Roman flopped on the couch, bring his leg up to check his foot that he bandaged up. Focusing his powers the light slowly brightened, Roman watched in astonishment.

" have the magic touch!" Roman exclaimed, slowly rubbing his thumb against the bandage, eyes wide with surprise.

"Yeah...magic" Virgil echoed, slowly standing up and shining the light on the floor to see the glass.

With help from Logan they cleaned the carpets and put new bulbs in, the room filling with light once more, Virgil able to have a good look at Romans foot. "Does it hurt?" Virgil asked, placing the torch down but Roman was more focused on how the light dimmed when away from Virgil.

"No, not at all" Roman reassured, holding the torch close to Virgil and watching it light up.

"Why is it doing that?" Roman whispered, Patton glancing over as well, gasping in astonishment. "That's so cool! The torch likes you!" Logan didn't even feel like trying to explain how a torch couldn't like something, instead more interested in the light that worked in near vicinity to the dark trait.

"Hmm" he hummed, taking the torch from Romans grasp and examining it closely.

Clicking his fingers, a grin stretched across his face - the grin the sides knew to mean Logan figured out something.

"That is your power" he concluded, tossing the torch onto the table. "You can control light"

"Power?" Patton repeated, laying on the couch and staring up at Logan. "Yes, we all share the same three powers - shapeshifting, teleportation and summoning whatever we want at that certain time. But, along with those powers we all have our own, Virgils is controlling light"

"Does that mean we all have powers?!" Roman gasped, sitting up with an excited expression, much like Patton.


"How do we find it?" Patton cut in, too thrilled to realise.

"Now that I cannot answer"

Roman and Patton whined at the same time. "Loooogaaaaaaan!"

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