Prank Gone Right - Roman x Virgil

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I said I was going to sleep but updating is fun lol IM SORRY-

I loovvveee Rooomannnnnn!

Roman popped his head into the living room to see Thomas and Virgil casually talking on the couch, smirking Roman ducked (quack quack) out and appeared in Virgils room, eyes traveling around until he saw the desk holding all the makeup Anxiety used. Rushing over he scooped it into his arms and teleported them to his own room, replacing it all with brighter makeup and some glitter. He did the same with his clothes, replacing the dark for a more pastel style.

Grinning at his prank idea he appeared in his room and logically hid the clothes somewhere Virgil wouldn't find them.

"I've got that emo nightmare good!" He congratulated himself because when does he not?

When Virgil finally realised what happened he instantly knew it was Roman, sighing out he appeared in the royals room and spotted Prince asleep on his bed. First he rummaged around for his items when an idea came to mind, why doesn't he do the same back? It'll get his own items faster, anyway.

Swapping Romans clothes for darker ones he hid the brighter ones in his room, smirking and flopping onto his bed.

Roman wouldn't dare leave his room in those clothes.

Waking up the next morning Virgil smelled his clothes and grimaced, he would either wear the bright clothes or go out like this...he knew someone would complain so he gave in and begrudgingly put on the bright, pastel clothing. Staring at himself in the mirror he rolled his eyes, might as well go all out.

Grabbing the glittery makeup he did the best he could, looking like the glitter-pastel god. If that even existed.

Meanwhile Roman woke up not too long after Virgil. Whipping open his closet doors he narrowed his eyes at the darker clothes, sighing out and crossing his arms. Of course, Roman thought with a huff. Oh well, he couldn't get too mad as he did initiate the whole thing.

Shrugging he tore off his clothes and put on the new ones, smiling at himself in the mirror. Not his usual style but...he could pull this off.

Snapping his fingers eyeshadow dusted under his eyes, he thought it would 'finish the look' and honestly? It did. He looked like a real emo nightmare.

Both boys headed to the kitchen, walking in through the different entrances and staring at each other with wide open mouths and eyes the shape of saucers.

" actually did it" Roman spoke first, astonished by the pastel boy that was once his emo.

Virgil shrugged, looking at himself. "You did to, I didn't...expect it. Kinda surprised me, but you never let down a challenge"

Just as he finished talking Patton walked in the same way Roman did, glancing at the royal. "Hey Roman!" He grinned, booping his nose and waving at Virgil. 

"How'd you know who was who?" Virgil questioned, taking a seat at the table and becoming more comfortable with his attire and general appearance.

"I know my kids!" Was his reply, already making breakfast with a wide smile. "You both look fabulous! Bright makeup suits you, kiddo!" Virgil blushed and turned away, the pink hue adding to it all Roman had to secretly take a picture. "Cutie" Roman remarked quietly, Virgil stuck his tongue out at him but blushed further at the compliment.

Logan appeared next to Virgil quite suddenly, glancing between the two sides and raising an eyebrow. "Why with the sudden change?" He pondered, thanking Patton quietly after the Dad-like trait set down a mug of coffee in front of him. 

"We pranked each other" Roman replied, resting his arms on the table. "I'm committed to this! Who knew black clothes could be so...enticing"

"It is a slimming colour" Logan commented, Roman gasped in feigned hurt. "I am perfect just the way I am!"

"Hmm, and modest, too" Logan smirked, Roman huffed and crossed his arms. "Patton! I feel attacked!"

"Play nice, kiddos!" He giggled.

Roman mimicked Logan mockingly, eyes traveling to Virgil who was staring at himself in the reflection of his phone and smiling slightly. Feeling his heart warm, Roman reached over and placed a hand over Virgil's, snapping him from his trance.

"You look beautiful, Dearest" he murmured, kissing the back of his cold hand.

Blushing and mumbling incoherently he quickly chowed down on the cereal Patton gave him, trying to ignore the genuine smile adorning the Prince's face.

For that entire day both traits stuck with their clothing and makeup, they all noticed - apart from Virgil himself - that the usual angsty trait liked the pastel for a change. Maybe not the clothes as much as the glitter make up, though. The next day Roman wore his clothes Virgil gave back to him after Roman did the same. Knocking on Anxiety's door he stepped in, noticing the trait staring at his usual makeup and the one Roman gave him for the prank.

Smiling Roman gently closed the door and silently stood next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. He tensed, glancing at the royal and smiling slightly.

"Oh uh, hey, P-Puppy"

"Mmm, I love that nickname but that's not why I'm here" Roman hugged him from behind, picking up the glittery/brighter makeup that Virgil seemed to like as much as the dark ones.

"You can wear anything you desire, Dearest" Roman whispered, placing the makeup in Virgils hand and closing his fist around it.

"No one will judge you. In fact, they'll love it! I know I do" pressing a short kiss to his cheek Roman smiled at him reassuringly before leaving to the kitchen.

Smiling, Virgil stared at the makeup and used a mixture of both, never had he felt more happier with his appearance...

Thanks for the request!

So sorry for not updating a lot recently! I was in excruciating pain today because of my period craaaamps but! All is good now, haha

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So sorry for not updating a lot recently! I was in excruciating pain today because of my period craaaamps but! All is good now, haha

Requests are still opennnnn!

Also, I'm proud of this OneShot hahha

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