It's Over Now... - Roman & Virgil

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In this OneShot, Roman is talking about Virgil.

Trigger warning - I'm warning you, if you're easily triggered don't read.


I watched you grow up...

You were special. Which is why I stuck around. The first time I saw you crying in your Mothers arms just after being all cleaned up by doctors I could tell you would live on to do great things.

Growing up, you were the strangest but most fascinating child I had ever seen. Not once would you complain, or cry out, you'd wait in silence, doing your own thing until your parents remembered to feed you, change you, bathe you, care for you.

They were odd, your parents, very different from my own.

Mine never shouted at each other daily, or use physical violence to get their own way. I quickly realised the house you lived in was not safe for a child your age, but what could I do? I am but a ghost, unable to help. I'm sorry about that.

It was a beautiful sight, watching you walk for the first time, you stumbled and fell, but the determination shining in your big, bright brown eyes made me believe you wouldn't give up. And you didn't. By the end of the day, you were walking around your small bedroom like you always knew how.

Your parents weren't there to see it but that's okay, I was there, and I thought you were tremendous.

One day, you hobbled down the stairs in search of food for your small, grumbly stomach. I floated along behind you as you padded to the kitchen, did I think I would be able to help if you fell? Maybe, but I'm glad you didn't. Finding some cookies in the cupboard, you plopped down onto the ground and ate hungrily.

I watched with a smile, you were quite adorable.

"Fuck you, bitch"

Odd words to be your first, but I wasn't entirely surprised. It was all you heard from your parents, it's not like they would talk to you, anyway. At least they still had the decency to change you (even if it took awhile).

After that, you didn't speak much, sadly. I do love your voice, it brightened my day, but if you don't want to talk, that's okay, it's your choice after all.

I think...the first day your Father hit you was the day it all went down hill. You were only young, the shock mixed with fear in your glossy eyes was enough to make anyone want to hunt down and murder that stupid Father of yours, but unfortunately no one knew you, I don't even think your parents family were informed of your existence. I would've told them if I could, trust me.

It was disheartening to watch you cower in fear from your Father, but at least if you hid he wouldn't hurt you. I expected your Mother to try and help, but it seemed as though she didn't care. So much stuff in her system, I wondered if she even remembered your name.

You finally reached the age to start school, and I was happy! Finally, you could be away from your cruel parents with people that can help you!

But, not everything is perfect, is it?

You stayed quiet, and avoided humans entirely. I had a few theories why, but somehow I knew deep down it was because you were scared they'd be like your parents as apart from them, you never met another human before, had you?

Watching you sit at the back of a rowdy class alone, doodling in your art book was always a sad sight, I really wanted you to become friends with people! But as long as you're content, I'm content too.

Years went on, I never left, not that I wanted to. I watched helplessly as the students hurt you mercilessly, no one ever asking if you were okay, and if you wanted help. It made me lose hope for humanity, I never knew people could be like this, I fortunately grew up with the most kindest people, I wish you could've had that life, too.

You were only eighteen when you gave up.

That day you came home, you listened to your Father wail at the fact his wife left to go have a better life, leaving her only son behind with the man she detests. You never really liked her, or your Father, anyway so I wasn't surprised at the lack of empathy you had towards the distraught man.

Sighing, you dropped your school bag into your near-empty room, glancing around it for the last time.

I knew what was happening, and truthfully I didn't know if I wanted it to stop.

I knew you could've made the world a better place, such a talented boy, ruined and corrupted by the cruel, cruel way of life. But if you went on to be the greatest man alive, I don't think you could've ever been truly happy. With your childhood weighing on your shoulders.

You locked the bathroom door and stared at your beautiful face in the cracked mirror, you didn't think of yourself like the way I did, only the complete opposite.

Heartbroken, you didn't even hesitate as you grabbed a bottle of pills, thumb trembling as it popped open the lid. I reached out, but my cold hand went straight through. I'm sorry about that.

Bringing it to your lips, you swallowed as many as you could, tears rolling down your pale, hollow cheeks.

It was a struggle, I could tell, but in the end you managed to empty the full bottle.

I couldn't watch, so I floated through the roof and waited in the air, watching the sun slowly set over the horizon. Hours passed until I felt a presence beside me...

Your presence.

I wordlessly wrapped my arm around your almost transparent shoulders, letting you lean on me without a word.

"It's over now" I whispered

"It's over now"

Welp, this oneshot is completely different from my usual ones, lmao

Hope you enjoyed

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