I Hate You But May Also Possibly Like You - Roman x Virgil

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Three in a row with Virgil, lmao

Everyone wants a bit of the Verrrrge

Everyone knew Virgil and Roman held a certain disliking towards each other, they frequently start arguments, stayed away from each other, want different things for Thomas, but under it all there was...something.

And Patton noticed it. One night, they were all watching a movie, Roman sat on the couch with the popcorn, not noticing Virgil was next to him until he was comfortable and too lazy to move. Logan and Patton assumed an argument would break out, both saying to the other 'you should move' but were pleasantly surprised by the silence.

During the movie, Roman heard the slight hungry rumble coming from Virgil's stomach. Turning his head away from him to hide his amused smile, he placed the popcorn between the two, Virgil stared at it for a few seconds, smiling a little before eating it hungrily. Patton noticed this and grinned, maybe if they set aside their differences they would actually be good friends?

Or maybe...something more?

Patton felt giddy at the thought.

More occurrences like that happened over the span of a week. Either Roman or Virgil doing a kind gesture to the other in between all their fights and bitter remarks.

"Shut up" Roman shot at Virgil, one of their many arguments currently breaking out. Virgil went to reply when he stumbled on the step, falling forward. Jumping to action, Roman caught him quickly, helping him stand straight once more. "Woah, are you okay?" Roman quickly asked, looking him over.

"Yeah...Yeah...I'm fine" he replied quietly, glancing behind him at the step he tripped down on. "Thanks" he added, glancing at Roman who smiled softly. "Don't mention it" their argument forgotten, they went back to their rooms, tingly at the feeling of the sort of hug Roman gave while catching him.

One evening, Roman was eating his food with Patton and Logan, noticing Virgil was still in his room, his food going cold. "I'll be right back" he announced, picking up Virgil's plate and heading to his room. Patton grinned, wriggling his eyebrows at Logan who sighed, shaking his head.

Knocking on the door respectively, Virgil slowly cracked it open, staring at the Prince who held his food.

"For you" Roman handed him the plate. "Did Dad send you?" Virgil asked, suddenly feeling hungry. "No, I came out the kindness of my own heart!"

Virgil snorted, "what kindness?" Suddenly regretting it, Virgil quickly looked up at his forlorn face. "Sorry..." he drifted, awkwardly letting his eyes fall. Roman chuckled, reaching over to brush Virgil's hair to the side, causing the anxious aspect to blush lightly, leaning into his touch. Roman smiled, slowly dropping his arm. "It's quite alright. Eat up, skipping meals isn't healthy" smiling at him once more, Roman walked back to the kitchen, leaving Virgil standing in his doorway, blushing and smiling.

Little things like his carried on, Patton and Logan quickly noticing how less and less the two argued, and how often they actually smiled at each other. Insults turned into pet names, separation while watching movies became cuddling, and soon enough, once hate-filled eyes turned into love-filled ones, and lips that once held all the "I hate you's" quickly came together in soft, short kisses.

Now, instead holding all the "I love you's" the two would ever need.

Thanks for the request!

This is my second time writing this because the first time it was actually shit lmao

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