Hero & Villain - Roman x Virgil

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Roman was a hero,

Virgil was a villain.

The world loved Roman and hated Virgil.

But what did the two think of each other?

"Prince?" Someone who worked for Roman said, standing in the doorway of his room. Roman looked up and smiled, he made his workers call him Prince instead of sir because he preferred it.

"The villain has sent you a sock?" 

Romans eyes narrowed, standing up his chair fell backwards but he didn't care, rounding the table he walked past his worker, yelling down the hallway. "I SWEAR TO ALL THAT IS GOOD- ONE MORE SOCK AND I SHALL SEND HIM A SPIDERS NEST!"

"You've met your match, you villain!" A random citizen from the crowd below yelled up at Virgil who was currently hovering in the air with Roman opposite.

"From tinder? They always look better in the photos" he sighed out, smirking at Roman who feigned an offended look.

"I must admit you look better in real life, emo nightmare"

Virgil rolled his eyes, hiding his blush. "Whatever, Princey"

"What're you doing?!" Roman yelled, landing on the floor next to Virgil who was chomping on an apple he stole from shop. The villain shrugged, "I'm hungry"

Roman smirked, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Is that so? Would you rather join me on a date than steal?"

"...take out?"

"What else?"

"How on Earth do you let yourself be caught by police? They hurt you, my fair maiden" Roman frowned, checking over Virgil as he leaned against the wall in the confide cell. "First of all, I'm not a fair maiden, second...I felt lazy"

Sighing, the hero freed him from the cell (secretly) and treated his injuries, letting him go afterwards.

"Thanks, Princey"

"All in a days work"

Roman contently flew through the air, slowly moving up and down, gliding his fingers through the clouds as he did. Not paying attention to where he was going as there wasn't much in the air to pay attention to he accidentally crashed into Virgil who was also not paying attention.

Roman caught him before he would fall, hugging him close. "Are you okay?!" Roman frantically asked, Virgil rose his eyebrow, deciding against pushing away..its not often he was in Romans comforting arms.


"Do not dare to apologise! It was completely my fault, I shall pay better attention next time" he smiled, Virgil smiled a small smile back and the two broke away, both missing each other's touch. 

"See ya, Prince"

"Farewell, my Villain"

"We can't keep this up..."

"We must tell them"

"Everyone ships us anyway..."

The two spoke while falling from the sky next to each other. "Why don't we land and kiss? Show the world what's mine" Roman suggested, although Virgil would want nothing more they haven't actually kissed before and Virgil was nervous...

"Don't be scared" Roman smirked, turning to fall with his stomach facing down instead. "I'm a good kisser" he winked.

"Better be" Virgil muttered jokingly.

Before hitting the ground the two caught themselves, landing on the street below. Citizens watched from down the street, nearly everyone holding a camera.

"After this the whole world will know" Roman warned, the two circling around as if they were getting ready to attack.

"Who cares? Scared of losing your reputation?"

"The only thing I'm scared of losing is you" Roman replied, genuinely smiling. Virgil felt his heart warm and even he couldn't control the light blush that flooded his cheeks.

"So cheesy..." he muttered, the two stopped moving and Roman swooped in. The crowed cheered, thinking he was about to attack but all went deadly silent when they stood in each other's embrace instead of fighting....

"You are fine with this, right?" Roman whispered, cupping his villains cheek.

Virgil felt his heart hammering away in his chest but he was ready. Nodding the two leaned in, closing the gap quite quickly.

Coincidentally Romans friends were in the crowd, (Logan, Patton and thomas, of course) - they all cheered loudly while everyone else watched on with shocked faces. Some people in the crowd, the younger ones, began to cheer as well as they were apart of the "shippers"

Finally breaking apart Roman grinned along with Virgil, letting out a breathy laugh. "That was....better than I could have ever imagined!" Roman exclaimed, twirling a now laughing Virgil around, hugging him back to kiss him once more.

This time Virgil pushed back. "As much as I love....this...I should go, before...y'know, the cops come" he frowned, Roman titled his head up.

"I will try-"

"No, I like having people after me...it's a thrill"

Roman chuckled. "And if they lay a finger on you I will not hesitate in becoming the villain"

"Oh, soooo romantic" Virgil drawled, fondly rolling his eyes.

Flying into the air Virgil turned to stare at Roman once more. "I love you, my Villain!" Roman smiled, waving.

"And I love you too, random citizen!"

I'm listening to "send me on my way" from Matilda aaaaaand I'm crying

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