Ex - Bestfriends - Roman x Virgil

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"Oh look, the emo and the liar!" Prince taunted, waking past Anxiety and Deceit who sat in the hallway, innocently talking to the other. Anxiety narrowed his eye, spinning his head around to face the bully. "Go away, Princey!"

"You can't tell me what to do, bad side!" Prince yelled back, a smirk growing on his face as he grabbed Deceit's hat from his head. "I don't need that" he quickly spoke, but being young he couldn't control his lying, making it so everything he said was a lie. "You don't?" Prince smirked, reading to punch a hole through it.

Anxiety glowered in anger at the stupid, cocky Prince. He jumped up and pushed Prince to the ground, taking the hat from his hands. He stared bewildered for a few seconds before glaring at Anxiety. "I said go away!" Anxiety yelled so loudly Prince flinched. Standing up, he straightened his clothes and sulked off down the hallway.

Deceit stood up, smiling at Anxiety who handed him his hat.

"Thank you, I don't appreciate it...I-I mean I don't! No, I don't-"

"It's okay" Anxiety chuckled, "I understand"

Deceit ducked his head, twirling his hat around his hands.

"I think after that we should be best friends" Virgil offered, smiling his rare adorable smile. Deceit grinned back, shaking his head. "I would hate it!"

Virgil chuckled, placing Deceits hat on his head. "I would hate it, too"

Twenty years later

"Ugh! Deceit! Go away!" Virgil yelled, finally having enough with the deceiving aspect. Deceit turned his head to face Virgil, slowly smirking. "You heard him" Roman added, holding Virgils hand who shot him a small smile. Patton and Logan stayed silent, but they nodded in agreement, the four staring at Deceit.

"What a wonderful love story" Deceit taunted, crossing his arms, eyes narrowing at the two. He blanked out Morality and Logic, he didn't really grow up around them, so he didn't care if they were there or not.

"Between the victim and bully"

"You're still holding that grudge?!" Virgil yelled, astonished and angry.

"No" Deceit snapped back, letting his anger shine through. "I should be happy for my best friend"

Suddenly, realisation dawned on Virgils face as the colour drained. He took a step back, finally meeting Deceits stone cold eyes once more. He deflated a little, remembering as soon as the main aspects started to finally let him join their friendship group (even if they still insulted him a bit) he completely forgot about Deceit...

"Now you remember" Deceit shook his head. "Goodbye, best friend" Deceit turned to the doorway, pausing just before he left. "Or should I say...ex-best friend"

"I'm sorry..." but it was no use.

Deceit was gone.

Thank for the request!


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