I Don't Feel - Logan x Patton

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Aren't I just great at updating? Lmao

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Aren't I just great at updating? Lmao

Also, I'm thinking of making another book...with the sides

"Logan!" Patton grinned, rushing up to the logical trait who was reading over a paper he typed up, slowly heading down the hallway while sipping coffee.

"I made this for you!" Patton carried on, showing him a drawing of himself and Patton hugging hands. It wasn't the best like all of his drawings but it was the thought that counted. Averting his eyes Logan scanned the drawing, taking it in and going over all the little things Patton could change to make it look more 3D and realistic but Logan knew not to utter them aloud.

"Thank you, Patton" Logan replied, taking the paper. Their hands brushed and Logan felt something for a split second. He stared at Patton, trying to figure out what it was. Not pain but...thrilling. He wanted it again.

Placing the drawing with his other papers he reached over and placed his hand on Pattons shoulder, the bubbly trait watching in confusion but smiling nonetheless. As soon as they touched Logan felt emotions - happiness, compassion, desire...love.

Reeling back, Logan panted a bit, shakily taking his mug from the hand holding the papers. "Uh...I...needtogo" he rushed, vanishing to his room where he dropped the papers and mug into the organised desk, eyes wide with curiosity, confusion and fear.

He...felt something. He doesn't feel! He's Logic - he's not supposed to feel.

The worst part of it all was...he liked it.

"No" he muttered sternly, pacing his room, brain whirling into overdrive. "I do not feel!" He carried on blabbering, "it was...nothing" he tried to convince himself but it wasn't working.

"Can Morality possibly give out emotions? Does that happen to everyone? Does he have too many emotions that they are starting to go to everyone else meaning I will be filled with emotions and he WON'T?!" Logan yelled, having a mental break down.

Patton peeked his head in, watching Logan hold his head in his hands, breathing in heavily. "Logan...?"

"PATTON- EMOTIONS...WHY - WHO ARE THEY!?!" Patton giggled, skipping over to the logical trait. Softly wrapping an arm around him Logan gasped at the sudden flow of emotions that surged through him. Luckily, all good ones. A faint smile drifted along his lips, the more Patton held on the more the happiness spread through Logan until he was filled up completely, a far off look on his face.

Slowly, Patton moved away, watching Logan slowly fall back into his usual self. "Woah..." he breathed, staring at Patton, his incredible Patton.

"How is it possible to love someone so much?" He whispered, loosely wrapping his arms around Pattons neck to feel the surge of emotions again.

Patton giggled, placing his hands on Logans hips. "Who d'you love?" He whispered, a bright smile permanently stuck on his face.

"You" Logan replied, alight from the emotions. "I thought I would hate...feeling...but I love it, literally" Patton grinned, hugging Logan close, and chuckling quietly. "I love you too"

"Can we cuddle? I have never dabbled in cuddling before. It looks nice, and warm, and comforting, and....safe" Patton leaned back, brushing their noses together.

"We can cuddle all day!" Patton agreed happily. As Logan clicked his fingers and changed into his onesie Patton put on a Disney movie, cuddling in next to Logan and wearing his own comfy onesie. Logan rested his head on Pattons shoulder, closing his eyes and listening to the noise of the movie in the background, completely content in swimming with happy, heart lifting emotions.

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