Can We Cuddle? - Virgil x Roman

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Virgil tossed and turned in his bed for an hour but it was no use, he still felt a certain...emptiness, or loneliness. Kicking his blanket away he paused his audio book, thinking of something that usually helps him fall asleep. Most nights he barely gets a few hours of sleep, so the few nights he did sleep for a full eight hours helped a lot.

Padding down the quiet hallway to Romans room he knocked on the white door, pulling his black pyjama-top sleeves over his cold hands.

"Come in, Dearest!"

With a slight smile, Virgil walked in. "How d'you know it was me?"

"Who else would knock on my door at midnight?" Virgil shrugged, awkwardly shuffling by the door, eyes fixated on the ground until he heard Roman sigh.

"What's up, hot topic?"

"Um...c-can we, possibly...cuddle? I-it's just I need sleep and-"

He stopped tying to explain himself after Roman chuckled, patting the spot next to him on his big bed. "Of course, Dearest"

Virgil smiled faintly, lazily walking across the carpet and flopping onto his warm bed, burrowing under the thick covers Roman insisted he always had. "I don't care what you say! You, sir, are adorable" Roman turned off his phone, flicking off the lamp and laying down next to Virgil.

"Come here" Roman whispered, taking a blushing Virgil into his arms gently, pressing a soft kiss to his purple hair. "I love you" Roman murmured, rubbing the traits arm with his thumb.

" do I" Virgil replied, still a little awkward about saying the phrase. Roman, of course, didn't mind at all knowing virgil had his own ways of saying 'I love you' anyway.

Roman let the trait fall asleep, quickly doing the same after.

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