Gay - Logan x Patton

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I couldn't think of another title-


The bell rang out through the school, indicating lunch. Patton quickly ended his lesson, letting the little kids run off to the cafeteria to get their food. Sighing out happily, Patton cleaned up their mess, content to do it by himself.

"I see you still do not make them clean up" a voice sounded from the doorway. Patton smiled, turning around to face the teacher who taught the older kids. Patton only shrugged, putting some ripped paper into the bin. "They're only kids, and I don't mind!" He replied, watching as Logan walked in, glancing around with a sigh.

"I shall help you clean, then we can get lunch" Logan spoke, smiling at Patton who wrapped his arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a slow kiss.

"That sounds wonderful" Patton whispered, brushing their noses together.

It wasn't a secret to the school that Logan and Patton were dating, most of the students love it! Everyday coming up with a better ship name for the two, Patton found it adorable while Logan wished they would focus more on their education than a gay couple. One day, the two were walking into school together, hand in hand when two kids ran up to them, Patton knowing them to be Roman and Virgil.

"Are you gay?" Roman asked giddily, grinning widely while his friend - Virgil - who was quite shy mostly stood behind him, staring up at the teachers through his bangs. Patton giggled, kneeling down to his height.

"We are, why'd you ask, Kiddo?" Roman shrugged, pointing at Virgil. "I want to be gay with him!" The little boy exclaimed, making Virgil blush and turn away, fiddling with the long sleeves that covered his small hands.

"You are too young-"

Patton elbowed Logan's leg - still kneeling down - cutting him off. "You do? That's adorable!"

Roman smiled sheepishly. "Can we be gay together?"

"Of course!" Patton nodded enthusiastically, reaching out for Virgil who walked over, holding Patton's hand gently. "What if my parents say no?" Roman asked, frowning and hugging Virgil's free hand with his own protectively. Patton glanced up at Logan who didn't respond, he did admit it was cute, but it's not easy to change an adults mind. Especially with something like sexuality.

"Then don't listen to them. They're your parents, but they don't get a say in your love life. Remember that" Patton gently brushed Roman's hair from his face, watching the two little kids smile happily at each other.

"Wanna be gay with me, Verge?" Roman asked happily, instantly hugging the smaller child after he nodded. Patton stood back up, tears brimming his eyes at the sight. "Patton, this is not something to cry over-" Logan cried, catching him with a huff as Patton collapsed into his arms, crying tears of joy.

"It's just so cute!" He cried, smiling at Logan who sighed, shaking his head.

Patton made sure to keep a close eye on Roman and Virgil as they grew up, they stayed very close friends, obviously the "relationship" they had as kids wasn't real, but Patton could tell there was some chemistry between the two.

But...he also knew why they would never admit it. One parents evening Roman and Virgil's parents both blanked out Patton, he pretended to not hear them when they said they won't talk to him because he was gay, it didn't hurt, he was used to it from childhood, but if Roman and or Virgil are anything but straight, he realised he might have to help...

Knock knock knock

Patton looked over at his classroom door, smiling as he saw Virgil in the doorway. He was fiddling with his sleeves, a habit he never grew out of. "Hey, Virgil, shouldn't you be outside?" Patton asked, standing up and placing a chair opposite his desk for him to sit on. Virgil did so, shrugging lightly at his question.

"I-I...wanted to talk to you" Virgil replied, clearing his throat as he stuttered. Patton noticed his stutter as soon as he first entered his class those years ago, Patton honestly found it adorable, and he was glad this school wasn't one for bullying. "Of course, what's up, Kiddo?" Patton leaned against his desk, waiting patiently for him to speak.

"'s um it-it's Roman" he explained, biting his nail while staring at the ground. Patton's eyebrows creased in worry, tilting his head he asked for him to carry on.

"H-he told me he c-came out to his parents l-last didn't go well...n-now he's in Logan's- I-I mean Mr. Sanders classroom, c-crying. Sir doesn't k-know what to do and told me t-to get you" Virgil explained as quickly as he could, finally gazing up at Patton who nodded, smiling sadly and standing up.

"C'mon, Kiddo"

They walked down the hallway quickly, entering Logan's classroom to spot Roman in the back, crying onto the desk with Logan next to him, clueless on how to help. The teacher glanced over, sighing in relief at the sight of Patton who rushed over, leaving Virgil to close the door and stand a few feet away.

"Roman, Kiddo?" Patton spoke softly, sitting beside him.

Roman lifted his head, tears pouring endlessly down his cheeks. "T-they hate me!" He sobbed, desperate for some sort of comfort. Patton noticed this and broke the rules, pulling Roman into a hug, letting the student cry against his chest. They knew they shouldn't touch students, in any way, but if they need a hug, Patton would risk it.

"I don't think they hate you, they're just confused..." Patton drifted as he caught Virgil's eye, the student shook his head, silently telling Patton they really do hate Roman. Patton sighed, glancing at Logan for some sort of help. The teacher bit his lip, eyes averting to Roman.

"Roman, could I have a talk with your parents?" Roman sniffled, glancing over at Logan who tilted his head ever so slightly. "T-they told me not to go home" he replied, breathing still a little ragged but his crying had thankfully stopped. Logan's jaw tightened, never before had he hated someone he had never even met.

"Roman.." Patton pulled away to stare at his face, drying his wet cheeks. "If you need can stay with me and Logan for however long you need" Roman smiled a little, thanking the generous teacher quietly.

It wasn't long before Virgil came out to his own parents - but thankfully they weren't as bad as Roman's parents, and in the end they accepted Virgil, even letting Roman stay over, but not everyday, meaning he had to go home.

Long story short, Roman spent most of his nights either with Virgil or Logan and Patton.

But, it was worth it, as soon as they saw Roman and Virgil sharing their first kiss.

Thank for the request!

You said I could take it anywhere so I did-

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