Monophobia - Roman x Patton

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"Fuck it, I'm too tired" Virgil groaned, lifting himself from the couch and stretching himself lazily.

"Language, kiddo!" Patton grinned from his corner of the couch, sitting next to Roman who felt fear pierce through his heart upon hearing those words.

"I-it's that time already?" He laughed nervously, checking the time although he really didn't care. "What about one more movie?" He suggested, pleading in his mind they would all say yes.

"Roman, this is the fifth night we have had a movie marathon" Logan sighed, standing up with Virgil. "It is getting quite tedious" he added, turning to the royal with his arms crossed. "We should all sleep in our rooms tonight, staying up late like this can affect Thomas badly" he ranted.

Roman stopped listening halfway through, turning to Patton once Logan finally stopped. "Pat?" He murmured, biting his lip.

"Sorry kiddo, I'm really tired! What about tomorrow?" Roman watched the sides leave the room, panic formed in the pit of his stomach and he quickly jumped up, rushing to follow the sides. He watched Patton tuck in the other two sides - much to Logan's protest - before Patton turned to Roman expectantly.

"C'mon kiddo, time for sleep!"

"May I sleep with you for tonight, please?" Roman begged, watching worry wash over Morality who grasped his hands gently. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Please?"

Patton nodded, smiling. "Sure!"

That night Roman shared Pattons room, during the night Patton was awoken by Romans continuous mumbling about the past. Giggling softly Patton pulled him into a soft hug and teleported to Romans room, covering him with the blanket and kissing his head before teleporting back.

Grave mistake.

Next morning Roman slowly slithered his arm across the bed in search of Patton, when he realised he couldn't find him his eyes snapped open, fear washing over him when he looked around his room. He was alone.

Jumping up he clutched his head from the sudden pang of lightheadedness, ambling towards the door. His heart beat sped up rapidly as he rattled the doorknob, in his state of panic he forgot to twist it first. "Open!" He whimpered, pulling and pulling.

Leaning back too far the knob broke off and he fell back, gasping he bashed on the door, completely forgetting about his teleportation abilities. He began to sweat and tremble, rising to his feet he pushed, tried to pull, bashed, kicked and screamed at his door, trying to put the doorknob back in but his hands shook too much for it to be possible.

As his hands started to go numb he collapsed back into the floor, crawling until his back hit his bed. Curling into a ball he cried, trying to calm himself down. That wasn't happening.

Help me, help me! Someone come in and help me!

Roman screamed in his mind, desperately needing to be with someone else, not for them to help calm him down. He just always needed to be with someone, all the time - otherwise he'll end up in this state.

He couldn't grasp what was real and felt like he might faint!

While Roman broke down in his bedroom Patton was worriedly bouncing his foot on the ground, looking at the kitchen door as seconds passed.

"If you are so worried go check on him" Logan spoke, not looking away from his food in front of him. "Maybe he's just asleep..." Patton sighed, facing forward. "What if he's not?" Virgil replied in a mumble-y tone due to it being early morning.

Patton stood up and dashed to Romans room, Virgil smirking as he did. "Knew it would work"

"Roman!" Patton knocked on his door, his usual self not waiting until they called it was okay for him to enter, pushing open the door he froze in shock at the sight of Roman.

Dropping to the ground neck to the trembling trait Patton placed a hand on his shoulder to let Roman know he was there. "Roman, honey? Can you hear me?" Roman gulped in air, lifting his head his eyes stared at Patton but his vision was blurry.

Blind hands reached out and Patton took them gently, squeezing them in a way of reassurance that he was here and wasn't going to leave. Patton assumed it was a panic attack, which was why he told Roman the breathing technique, surprisingly but happily Pattons presence seemed to help a lot more than the breathing, so he opted for holding the trait close, Roman appreciating it more than Patton could imagine.

"P-Patton?" Roman whimpered


"D-don't leave me a-alone again, please" Romans vision came back to him but he didn't move his head from Pattons comfortable shoulder, his arms wrapped around his torso and clutching the cardigan at the back. "I'd never leave you alone, Roro!" He smiled, kissing the crown of his head while brushing his purple hair away from his tear-stained cheeks.

Roman nodded, curling into him more.

It was okay Roman never told a trait about his Monophobia, for the most part he wasn't left alone again, especially because of Patton.

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