Best Friends - Roman & Virgil

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I don't know what this OneShot is

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I don't know what this OneShot is...

Trigger warning (?)


Virgil bobbed his head along with his music blasting through his earphones, hands stuffed in pockets, eyes watching the floor as he walked along it with a slow pace. His mind was blank as he focused on the lyrics.

Turning a corner he bumped into someone, luckily not falling to the ground. Taking out an earbud he opened his mouth to mumble an apology when he saw who he bumped into. Mouth falling open the man in front of him wore the same shocked expression, silent splutters escaping their parted lips.

"Virgil?" The man finally spoke, snapping from the trance was in.

"Roman..." Virgil breathed, plucking out the other earbud and pausing his music. "I didn't...expect to see you!" Roman blurted out nervously, scratching his neck and forcing himself to look away.

" neither" Virgil replied, scanning him up and down before he leaned on his hip, eyebrows drawing together. "I thought you died..."

Roman blushed, shrugging loosely. "I-I...well...heh" Roman cleared his throat, eyes focusing on Virgil.

"Why don't we meet at the cafe tomorrow? I'll...explain everything"

"Sure" Virgil agreed, not knowing why.

The next day Virgil entered the cafe, spotting Roman in a booth at one end, tapping the table while his eyes followed the people who walked outside.

Virgil slumped on the seat opposite him, crossing his arms.

"Virgil, you're here!"

"Yeah and I want answers. Now"

Roman sighed, dragging a hand through his already messed up hair. "Can we not catch up first? Last time I saw you we were in long ago was that? Fourteen years? Heh, seems so long ago-"

"Stop stalling" Virgil snapped, sitting up on the seat. Roman sighed, shoulders deflating.

"Can I get you anything?" A waitress asked kindly, smiling at both men.

"Coffee" Virgil instantly replied, Roman asking for the same thing.

"So...?" Virgil urged, motioning with his hands. Roman nodded, clearing his throat, Virgil noticed how his hands shook on the table.

"It was so long ago-"


"I was fourteen-"


"I wasn't thinking-"

"Roman!" Virgil hissed, "I want to know why. you. lied" Roman nodded, muttering about how he was right and he deserved to know.

The waitress came back over and Roman sipped his coffee before beginning his tale. "It started when I turned twelve..."

"Oh, god"

"Do you want to know?"

Virgil held his hand up in defence, nodding for him to continue. "As you know my brother....passed away" Roman watched the coffee in the warm mug, twirling it around with the small spoon given.

"I didn't handle it well" he continued, resting both arms on the wooden surface. "You would know - we were best friends"

"Don't remind me"

Roman let out a meek chuckle, eyes wondering around the small cafe. "Even if you may regret it now...our friendship was always my favourite"

"It didn't seem like it"

"My brother died, Verge-"

"Don't call me that" Virgil snapped, suddenly feeling defensive. He watched hurt flash through Romans eyes but Roman ducked his head down, mumbling an apology.

"Like I said, my brother died, I couldn't handle it...did you expect me to be as happy and arrogant as I was beforehand?" Roman met Virgils hard gaze once more, remembering what his eyes used to look like when they stared at Roman...soft and full of emotion.

"No, but after all the help and more than enough time I expected something" Virgil sighed, slumping on his seat and drinking his coffee with a scowl.

"I know...and I am terribly sorry, Virgil, I truly am..."

Virgil felt a strange feeling pound at his chest when he heard Roman use his full name, wishing he never told him not to call him Verge only a few minutes ago.

"I don't care what happened...just tell me why you did it, when you were fourteen" Virgil watched Romans face contort with each passing memory flashing in his mind, eventually Roman winced, brushing his hair away from his face.

"I was going to do it...but I didn't...I couldn't, when I saw the texts from you I...I couldn't- the guilt...I can't express how sorry I am,'re the reason why I ran away-"

"It's fine, Roman....wait what?"


"No, tell me, now"

Roman sighed, ducking his head down. "I ran away, did you not hear? It was all over the news...fourteen years they still haven't found me" he let out a humourless chuckle, leaning back in his seat.

"I'm pretty good, huh?" He smiled slightly, but it vanished when he saw Virgils face.

"You're an idiot, your parents...they lost two children in the span-"

"Oh, believe me, I've been put through that guilt trip" Roman cut Virgil off, sighing out deeply.

"I had my reasons...reasons because of them, they didn't care, still don't, neither do I...I may live alone but it's fine, I'm just...over the moon to see you again Virgil, even if it may be the last time"

Virgils eyes narrowed, "you better not mean it in the way I think you do..."

Roman drank the remains of his drink, placing the empty mug on the table and sighing, he gave Virgil a weak smile, memories of the two hanging out when they were younger flashing through his mind, making his eyes sting with tears.

"I'm sorry, Virgil, I should have texted you back that was stupid for me to run away but I was scared" Romans voice trailed off to a whisper, slowly raising from his seat and staring at Virgil one last time

"The world doesn't need me anymore..." he uttered softly, taking one glance around the cafe. "It never did" he added, giving a genuine smile at his long lost best friend before leaving the cafe, leaving Virgil to sit in his seat in silence, the last few moments replaying in his mind.

Then, his eyes widened. "Roman!" He yelled, jumping up. Some people watched him sprint out of the cafe and down the street. Virgil saw his best friend walking with his head down, he wasn't too fast and Virgil easily caught up.

He spun the man around and hugged him tightly, burying his head in his chest. "Don't leave me again!" Virgil croaked, Roman stared at the top of Virgils head, his arms on autopilot as they wrapped around Virgils body and brought him closer, eyes closing and chin resting on his soft hair.

"I'm sorry" he whispered, tears trickling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, too"


Virgil hesitated. "Best friends"


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