Chapter 1: Awaken the Warrior

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A/N: Hello everybody! I'd like to clear up a few things before you begin reading. This fanfic completely disregards the cannon storyline from the fight with Ulquiorra onwards. Many things remained as they did on cannon but there are plenty of changes, such as characters being brought back, changes in story, new characters and the omission of both the Fullbring Arc and the Blood War Arc. I hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading!

© Bleach and it's characters don't belong to me, They belong to Tite Kubo and Shonen Jump.

Chapter 1: Awaken the Warrior

There was blood everywhere.

Orihime gasped as she ran towards Ichigo's lifeless body. A hole was gaping at his chest, dripping crimson into the white sand, his eyes were empty staring into nothingness, and his spiritual pressure was almost completely gone.

For a moment she couldn't breathe. 'This can't be happening' 'It can't!' 'Kurosaki-kun...Kurosaki-kun...'

Ulquiorra suddenly appeared in front of her. Orihime started at the pale Espada standing between her and Ichigo's bleeding body. It was mesmerizing to see that eyes never showed any emotion, especially when she was crumbling to pieces under his stare.

"It is useless, even if you could reach him it would be wasted effort on your part." His monotone voice was dripping with venom. "Your powers are not nearly strong enough to keep him alive."

'No' she told herself. 'You can't let that stop you.' The way he said those words made their weight all the more heavy. Her mind drifted to all those times she was told she was weak, told to step aside. They were always protecting her.And she had let them. But where did that get them?

"Inoue-San!" Ishida's voice snapped her back to reality. She could see her quincy friend shooting arrows at Ulquiorra. As the Arrancar doged the attack she took the opportunity to run towards Ichigo.

"Soten Kisshun, I reject!" The glow of the Shun Shun Rikka soon fell upon Ichigo. As she got closer Orihime noticed there wasn't any change in his injuries. 'No! I know you're still there! Wake up Kurosaki-kun!'' Orihime's hands trembled as she tried to pour more of her power into Ichigo.

"Kurosaki-kun please wake up!" She sobbed. It wasn't until Ishida came back that she realized she was crying.

"Don't worry about me Inoue. Tend to Kurosaki's injuries."

Ulquiorra returned soon after. Ishida ram towards Ulquiorra, evading the attacks the latter threw at him. After he had closed their distance Ulquiorra took the opportunity to hit him with his tail. After two more attacks Ishida was immobilized.

Despite telling her to concentrate on Ichigo Orihime couldn't leave Ishida unprotected. "Santen Kesshun, I reject!"

Her shield didn't last more than a few seconds before Ulquiorra broke it with his tail. Before she could react Ulquiorra attacked again, just with his tail he tore a gash in Ishida's chest. Blood squirted from the wound staining the Quincy's white uniform.

"Ishida-kun!" A new wave of panic set over Orihime. Now both her friends were gravely injured. "Soten Kisshun, I reject!"

When her light enveloped Ishida she realized his injury was worst than she thought. She glanced back at Ichigo. His spiritual pressure was completely gone. Tentatively she held his hand, it was icy cold. 'Please, Ichigo please hold on! We need you! I need you! You can't...'

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