Chapter 2: New Life

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A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you all have enjoyed the last chapter. From now onwards there'll be a little more deviaton in the story. Also there's a lot of Ulquihime in this chapter so be ready my dear shippers! 😘 I hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading!

©Bleach and it's characters don't belong to me, they belong to Tire Kubo and Shonen Jump. The fanart is also not mine.

Chapter 2: New Life

Just as she did during the fight Orihime could hear the voices of her Shun Shun Rikka telling her what to do. She'd have to recite a new incantation, her power might not be enough but she wouldn't forgive herself if she didn't even try.

She didn't think about anyone or anything else around her. She only ran towards a fading Ulquiorra, pouring every once of her power into what she was going to do.

Without a warning she wrapped her arms around him. The Espada stared in disbelief at her actions. The two of them were about to fall.

"Turn back the sands of time and heal what had been broken. Don't let him go with so many words unspoken. With this heart I seal my vow to protect. Soten Kisshun, I reject!"

The ground began shaking again, still she would not let go. Around them there was only a warm golden light. It shone so brightly that her eyes were tearing up. Orihime could see her power was working, restoring Ulquiorra's broken limbs. She also saw small flash of red, it looked like a silk ribbon

'How strange' she thought. Her mind was growing hazy, using all of her power had left her exhausted. Before blacking out she heard a familiar voice.

"Woman!" Ulquiorra was still holding her. His voice wasn't as as icy as before, it sounded desperate.

She smiled at him sweetly. "Welcome back..." It was all she managed to say before darkness took over.

Orihime awoke in pale hospital room. A white light shine above her, flickering every once in a while.

"Oh good you're awake!" Liutenant Kotetsu's voice startled her. "You're in the Squad 4 barracks. Your friend brought us all back."

"Friend?" Before Isane could answer Orihime felt a cold hand wrapped around her own. When she glanced at to her side she saw Ulquiorra. He was sitting beside her bed, sleeping soundly in his chair. For the first time since they were at the canopy Orihime could look at him clearly. His skin and marks remained the same, but his hollow mask was completely absent.

"You should've seen him! He scared me and Hanataro to death when he dropped out of the sky with you in his arms. He asked us to heal you but we didn't have the supplies, so we had to relocate. He didn't want to move an inch away from you until you were fully healed."

Orihime felt her cheeks grow red. "I think he was just trying to repay me. I saved him back at the top of Hueco Mundo."

"Yes. We are all caught up. Captain Kurotsuchi found Aizen's surveillance room. There was footage of everything that happened... Inoue-San I think you deserve to know before they come."

"Who's coming?"

"Head Captain Yamamoto has requested to meet with you and your Arrancar friend. Apparently Captain Kurotsuchi told him about your deed. He wants to talk to the both of you as soon as he's done with Ichimaru."

Orihime's face lost all color. How she have been so blind? Just because she saved Ulquiorra it didn't mean he'd be forgiven. She didn't want to think about what they do to him. All because of her.

"...Is it over? The war I mean."

Isane nodded. "Kurosaki has won. He's back at the human world. Soon you'll be able to see him."

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