Chapter 33: Affairs of the Heart

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A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great Valentine's day, whether you were with a partner or a single bean like yours truly. Sorry, it's been awhile, I'm busy as hell with med school and can't write as much as before, but we're close to the end so do not fret. I hope you all like the fluffiness of this chapter as we'll be getting back to the fighting stuff soon. Leave me a comment if you like and thanks for reading! 😋🤗

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna and the Fujiwara Clan belong to me.

Chapter 33: Affairs of the Heart

"I still can't believe you did this!" Tatsuki chuckled, looking down at her plate."It looks really good. I never imagined you'd be cooking for me."

"Oi, you make me sound like a lazy boyfriend!" Ichigo told her as he filled the cups with orange juice.

"You're not a lazy boyfriend, I just didn't know you could cook."

"Neither did I, but since Yuzu has to do all around the house I thought I could give her a hand with the cooking. I just hope it's as good as the food she makes."

"I'm certain it'll be."

The couple was sitting down in the Kurosaki kitchen enjoying breakfast. Since Isshin was aware of what Ichigo had planned he took the twins out to a restaurant and they had the house to themselves.

Tatsuki bit into the omelet, smiling. "It's really good! You're a fast learner."

Ichigo blushed, "Well thank you. I'm glad you liked it."

They enjoyed the food until the plates were empty. "Since you cooked for me it's only fair that I treat you to dinner."

That made him chuckle. "Alright. Just don't overwork yourself, remember we have plans tonight."

Time had indeed passed them by, tonight two of his friends were making one of their dreams come true, and he didn't intend on missing it.

"I'm happy for those two. Hopefully, things will go well."

"Yeah, they deserve it."

"Ichigo, you ok?"

"Hmm? Yes, it's just... I'm feeling a little unsure of myself."

Tatsuki tilted her head as walked towards him. "Why so?"

"You all have dreams you want to achieve, but I don't. Ever since this whole deal with the shinigami started I felt aimless. And now that I lost my powers, I can't figure out what I'm missing.

I wanted a normal life without ghosts, but I also wanted to protect those dear to me. Can I do that as a human? Is it enough for a life goal? No answer seems to satisfy me."

He felt Tatsuki's strong arms wrap around him. "Ichigo, it's okay if you don't have everything figured out yet. We're only 15, the rest of our life is still ahead of us.

I can't say we can do something about your powers, after all, being a shinigami is in your blood. But I do know that with them or without them, you'll always be a protector to me."

He smiled as he turned towards Tatsuki. "Thanks dear, you always know what to say."

He bent down slightly to kiss her. No matter how many times they kissed, Ichigo always felt the sparks around them.

"Oops, bad timing dad," Karin muttered.

Upon hearing voices they let go of each other. Isshin and the girls had arrived.

"Don't pay that any mind Karin, your brother is just growing up!" Isshin joked. It wasn't well-received as Karin smacked him with a nearby newspaper.

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