Chapter 35: The Final Countdown

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A/N: Hello my dear readers! We're very close to the end, as this is the last chapter before the final battle. I'm sorry I couldn't post sooner but I'm taking my classes online and it's a bit of a hassle, also my 22nd Birthday took place on March 26 and despite the quarantine, I was celebrating at home. I hope you're all staying safe during these trying times and I shall do my best to get the next chapters out soon. I hope you like and thanks for reading!" 🤗😋

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna Maria, Cata, The Fujiwara family, Hibiki, and Mitsuru belong to me.

Chapter 35: The Final Countdown

"It feels good to be back! Shizuka sighed. "Any requests Tsukishima-san?"

Shukuro smiled. "Not at the moment Shizuka. There is something I must discuss with you."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Your sister delivered an artifact to me yesterday. She said to give to you."

Tsukishima handed her a white box. Shizuka opened it to find a blaster. It looked similar to the ones that appeared on the SciFi movies Orihime likes so much.

There was a note with the blaster. It had Anna's handwriting.

Hi Shizu! Here's a little present I like to call the portal gun. This can help get you across worlds. From Soul Society to Hueco Mundo to the human world.

We both know what the higher-ups will do in regards to your human friends. This is for them to chose what they want to do, on their own terms.

I'll be waiting for you all! ~❤️

Shizuka smiled and slightly shook her head. "That woman never changes. Even when she gives you a weapon she needs to be playful."

The first thing she would do tomorrow morning was call her friends. 'Guess it's all coming to a close soon.'

"Woman please calm down. I'm starting to worry."

Orihime hadn't noticed she was walking faster than usual, or that her cheeks were pink with rage.

Ulquiorra lovingly tried to soothe her with a hug, and Orihime leaned into his touch despite her worries.

The only thing the pair could find in Hueco Mundo that could be used for defence was a forcefield that could be activated from the laboratory. It looked to be sturdy enough, yet that didn't ease her mind in the slightest.

"I'm sorry Ulqui. I just can't stop thinking about the others. Grimmjow-san was already badly injured, who knows what might happen if there are more snares...or if they send soldiers."

"I'm afraid I cannot tell for sure, but what I do know is that our friends won't be taken down without a fight. We know they're prepared, now let's just put our trust in their abilities."

"You're right. I need to give them more credit. Thanks, sweetie, I love it when you put me at ease."

She gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek and Ulquiorra blushed. He adverted his gaze, slightly embarrassed. "You're welcome."

They arrived at Shizuka's home and quickly got settled. She noticed only Ichigo, Chad, Uryu, and Nemu were there.

"Awesome we're all here now. I have news, everyone. Seems like we'll all be able to go into battle after all."

Shizuka placed a gun-like artifact on the table. Orihime knew quickly what it was.

"Is that a portal gun?"

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