Chapter 30: One Last Dance

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A/N: Hi everyone! Yes, I am still here. Recently there was a 6.4 earthquake here in Puerto Rico, it really messed up the southwest area but I live in the east area so the worst thing that happened was some mild movement and a two-day blackout. But for now, I'm doing okay. That being said, if you're able, please consider donating to charities directed to help the victims. As for the fic I have the rest of it planned and outlined as we're likely to finish at Chapter 42. Leave me a comment if you're liking the story so far. Hope you like it and Thanks for reading!🤗😜

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me, they belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna, Kitomi, Cata and the Fujiwara Clan belong to me.

Chapter 30: One Last Dance

"What are you doing here?" Shizuka asked, uncertain that her sibling was really there.

"I came to bring you home," Asami responded. "Your time as Karakura's shinigami has come to an end."

"I still have two months. You know that."

"Yes, you had two more months, until I could prove that your services were no longer needed."

Her mind came back to the hollow the girls mentioned a week ago. 'Orihime and Nemu took care of it. I couldn't even sense it...'

Of course, she wouldn't have put it past Asami to do something so deceptive. After all, she was starting to break free of his control, no doubt he'd find a way to keep her from straying.

"As of today, you are discharged from your duties as Karakura's shinigami. You have until tomorrow at midnight to pack your things and come back home."

"And if I refuse?"

Asami stared at her, he had expected mild resistance. "If you do not return home at the expected time, I shall make it so that the fullbringers are taken into the custody of the Soul Society."

Shizuka started blacking out as she watched him walked away. She felt Chad holding onto her before she hit the floor.

'Just what have I gotten them into?' she pondered before closing her eyes.

"Are you certain that's what her brother said?" Ichigo pinched the bridge of his nose, as he paced around the room.

"Yes. I almost can't believe it myself." Chad seemed to be the most affected. He was the one who witnessed everything, and who brought Shizuka with him to the Kurosaki house.

"What are we going to do?!" Orihime asked. She was clinging tightly to Ulquiorra, who also looked very worried.

"I don't think there's anything we can do," Uryu responded, the Quincy didn't have his usual calm aura either. Ichigo could tell he was trying not to cry.

"There must be something we can do! Can't we just take Shizuka away?!" Chad asked.

Ichigo placed his hand on his best friend's shoulder, trying to calm him down. "I don't know if that could work. Her brother could find her and drag her back to the Soul Society. She's not safe here nor in Hueco Mundo."

"Then what else can we do?!"

"Nothing. It's over." The group was startled as they saw Shizuka getting up. "If I don't leave tomorrow my brother will make sure you all suffer. He has the influence and power to make everyone's life worse. I'm not going to let you all sacrifice yourselves for me."

"It isn't fair! You've done so much for us! We can't just abandon you like that!"Riruka gave Shizuka a tight hug. The shinigami girl returned the gesture, soon all of the girls had her wrapped in a group hug.

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