Chapter 13: We were Sorrow & Rain

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A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you've all been enjoying the story so far. This chapter will be sadder than what I usually post so this is just a heads up before you begin reading. Thanks for your reviews as they really are the motivator behind all this, every time I see them I get so happy! Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading! 😋

Chapter 13: We were Sorrow & Rain

At first glance, he looked the same, place skin, black hair, and green eyes. It wasn't until he was beside her that she saw he had a scar across his right eye, his clothes also resembling the ones ronin wore.

Orihime tried to touch his shoulder but her hand slipped right through. 'I guess he can't see me.'

The door of the mansion creaked open. Orihime almost screamed when she saw the person at the other side. The woman looked just like her, but her hair was dark brown and her eyes were hazel.

"Hello! You must be the samurai my parents called. Kanashi-Dono right?"

He nodded. The girl smiled. "I'm Ame Ugaya. I'll take you to my parents."

Orihime followed the pair, she was sure that these were her and Ulquiorra's past lives. 'So it's true, we've met in every lifetime'

Ame led them to a beautiful office, there was middle-aged man and woman there. They slightly resembled Ame, she had her mother's brown hair and her father's eyes.

"Kanashi-dono. Thank you for arriving on such short notice. Would you like some tea, or onigiri perhaps?" The man asked him.

Kanashi shook his head. "No, thank you sir. If it's not too much trouble may I ask why you sent for me?"

The man chuckled. "Always a responsible lad I see. My wife and I are leaving for Heian tomorrow and we'd like to hire you as Ame's personal guard."

Both Ame and Kanashi seemed surprised. Eventually, the ronin spoke. "I'm honored you would choose me for this task. However no one has ever been placed under my protection, perhaps you should hire a man with more experience."

"We understand your concern, but Hikaru and I have come to the conclusion that you're the only man we trust with this task. If it makes you feel at ease Ame-Chan does not leave the house at all, the only thing we want is for you to keep an eye on her. We'll be back in seven months and the payment will be done upfront." the woman had a kind smile as she spoke, seemingly expecting this reaction from Kanashi.

He bowed slightly. "If it means so much to you then I shall accept your offer."

"Excellent! Ame-Chan please be a dear and take Kanashi-Dono to his room."

The girl agreed and they left the office

Orihime followed them, somehow the halls and turns of the house seemed familiar to her. 'This is what the others meant. The bits and pieces that you never forget.'

"I'm sorry that you got stuck babysitting me." Ame's voice broke the heavy silence.

"I don't mind being your guard Lady Ame, my apologies if it sounded that way. I'm concerned about this task,  given that my usual errands are more of the violent variety."

"Oh, so that's how you and father became good friends! Were you together on the battlefield?"

"Yes, we've fought in many battles together. It's thanks to your father that I only got a scar, and did not lose my head. I owe him a lot, and I hope to be a friend to you too Lady Ame."

Ame gave him a big smile. "I'd like that very much! I've never had any friends."

"Now you have one."

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