Chapter 27: Perspectives

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A/N: Hello my dear readers! Sorry, it's been a while since the last update. Been busy as a bee. I hope like the chapter and thanks for reading! 😋🤗

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Jeanne, Shizuka, and Anna belong to me.

Chapter 27: Perspectives

"I'm glad we all know where Inoue is this time."

Ichigo remembered the fallout he had with Tatsuki was when Orihime was taken away the first time. Thankfully now that she knew everything they wouldn't have to worry.

He mumbled a sorry to which Tatsuki just chuckled and waved her hand as if telling him it was fine.

"To think that a few months ago Las Noches was enemy territory and we were rushing in to help her," Chad mentioned.

"Yeah, how things change," Uryu commented. "Everything's backward now."

They all knew it to be true. A year before people they now considered allies were enemies and many the considered just had shown their true colors.

"You ok, Ichigo?" Tatsuki noticed his sadness and nuzzled closer to him.

"I'm fine, I'm just sleepy. I had a nightmare yesterday."

"Being well-rested is essential for a growing teen. You should get sleeping aids Kurosaki-san."

"It's okay Nemu. I promise I'll sleep well today. Besides, I think Uryu's the one you should educate on the matter."

His Quincy friend was sleeping on the table, his glasses were crooked and his coffee was still warm beside him. Nemu carefully took them off and let him sleep.

"It's supposed to be winter break and Mr. glasses here keeps on workin' overnight." Shizuka patted him on the back. Uryu didn't notice.

"Try as he might deny it. He likes spending time with his father. The two of them are just closed off about it." Chad glanced at his sleeping friend. "Maybe we should go, a cafe is not the best place for a nap."

Just as the group was preparing to leave they all felt a sharp rise of spiritual pressure.

"A hollow?" Ichigo asked.

"No, no it's not a hollow. It's a fullbringer."


The other fullbringer Riruka had warned them about, stood before them. As expected, Moe Shishigawara was young but looked to be well trained. Ichigo remembered Riruka's words, quickly spotting the golden brass knuckles Moe wore. 'If he hits us with that we're done for.'

"Ichigo, you and Tatsuki go get Shiba-san. Nemu and Uryu will be on defense and Chad and I will attack." Shizuka whispered to him.

Ichigo nodded, Tatsuki took his hand and they both began running. Moe charged towards them, but Nemu used a kido barrier to shield them.

"Go, we'll hold him off!"

Ichigo didn't want to run from a fight, but he knew his barely achieved fullbring wouldn't be of much use in this situation. He prayed his friends could handle it.

Nemu's kido shattered on impact. From what Riruka had explained to them, he knew that Moe's fullbring put luck in his favor, in whatever it hit.

Chad knew they'd need to be careful, as the fullbring had a limited amount of uses before luck started to dwindle, still for now the teen was a threat to them all. Without Inoue as their healer, injures were not a luxury they could afford.

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