Chapter 42: An Eternal Vow

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A/N: 😭 It makes me a little sad that this is the last time I'll do this. At least for a little while. This fic has been my main project for two years now, Chapters 1-22 were written from December 9 of 2017 to December 9 of 2018. Then we had a 9-month break as Road to Ruin was completed, and we came back with Chapter 23 in June of 2019 and finish the story today on June 20th. So as you can see, I've spent quite a bit of time writing Bleach fic, and while I love these characters and world, I'm afraid that doing the same for years on end will cause burnout. I do plan to have to sequels to the fic, one of them will be a slice of life and center around the weddings of GinRan and TsukiRiru, and will be more about the secondary ships. The other is much more akin to Ruin and Redemption, with fight scenes, villains, and an action-oriented plot.

Before writing these sequels, however, I want to spend some time writing my own original stuff, which you'll be able to find here on Wattpad! So if you're into SciFi, Edo Japan, aliens, and character-driven tales, I'd be happy to have you join me. As the story requires research and I'm really busy with med school, I'll be posting one chapter a month, if my schedule clears then I'll try to post more often. Once that's done I plan to get back into Bleach fic. As with Ruin, I made a Spotify Playlist for the fic, Just search, Road to Redemption and click the playlist made by Shi Daisy.

To conclude this lengthy note, I want to thank each and every single one of you who supported this story. I've wanted to write this since I was in middle school and a part of me held back, thinking nobody would be interested, but you've all proved me wrong in the best ways. Every comment, every vote, and every single read has made it absolutely worth my while. Thank you so much for your support and I hope to see you all in future stories. Thanks for reading! 😋🤗

©Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Shizuka, Asami, Anna María, Jeanne, Maya, and Hanabira belong to me.

Chapter 42: An Eternal Vow

"Stop pushing! We're finally here!" He could hear Halibel's voice as soon as the train stopped. The Arrancar has accidentally arrived at Mie province, not at Omi.

Ulquiorra chuckled as he saw them all leave the train. He waved at Halibel who already looked tired as she walked in his direction.

"We've just gotten here and I feel like Nnoitra or Grimmjow will get arrested by the end of the day."

"That's likely, but I think Jeanne has them under control."

Neither of them could hear what the nurse was saying, but apparently, it calmed Nnoitra and Grimmjow down. Jeanne rushed towards them. "Hey, Ulquiorra! Everyone's ready to go to the lake, will you and Orihime be joining us?"

"Not today, Jeanne. We have something else planned. You may all go to the lake. Shizuka and the others have already set up a small area for us."

"Perfect! I'll go make sure we don't get separated. Back at Mie we almost took the wrong train."

"Tell that to Nnoitra who wanted  'monopoly' over the map. Had it been for him we'd be in Osaka."

That was to be expected. "I shall accompany you next time you come to the human world, I think Jiruga's tactics are not suitable for group travel."

"Heard ya." Ulquiorra turned around to see Nnoitra. It was surreal to see him dressed in human attire. "For your information, I was a tactician as a human."

"That part of you must've been stored in the half of your brain that got blown off. Where are the others?"

"They wanted some grub, Jeanne has the map and they went with her to the restaurant beside the station."

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