Chapter 37: The Last Steps

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A/N: Hi! I hope you guys are all having fun! We're really close to the end and I'm really happy you're all enjoying yourselves. I'll try to finish the story by May as we have around 2-5  chapters left. Unfortunately, they are really long since we're wrapping up the story for now. I do intend to have 2 sequels. A slice of life one, and another adventure one. I'll talk more about this once the story ends but for now, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Thanks for reading! 🤗😋

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna Maria, Cata, Choco, Kitomi and the Fujiwara Clan belong to me.

*Triggers for fear of fire and abuse mentions.

Chapter 37: The Last Steps

The lockdown was getting on his nerves. Tokinada Tsunayashiro was, after all, a nobleman. It was in his nature to be a socialite.

He found it odd that the mansion was so silent. 'The children must be in their rooms, but where are the others?' He shook his head and headed back to his chambers, it was likely the rest of the clan was scared. He was the only shinigami in the family.

The room was completely dark, and the switch wasn't working, Tokinada used a kido to illuminate the room, and immediately wished he hadn't.

Anna was sitting on his bed, smiling. "Hello, Tsunayashiro-Sama. I apologize for coming in so late but I had a previous engagement."

He caught the meaning of her words when he saw the blood on her dress.

"I don't see what you could possibly want with me. I have yet to wrong you."

"Oh no, dear. You have yet to do me any damage. My friends and my family, however, you have treated horribly."

Anna looked at the wall, at a particular spot he had tried to cover for so long.

"I was sent here to clean up your murder scene...there was a splatter of blood on that wall. Kakyo's blood. My hands were trembling as I had to scrub the red off the marble, and when it was all finally over I cried myself to sleep. That woman loved you with her whole heart, and you took away her dreams and her life simply for not fitting your mold."

He was about to speak but Anna stood up and pushed him towards the wall. "If you dare say that she deserved it because she stepped out of line I will burn you alive, just like the last man who spoke those words to me."

Tokinada remained silent and she smiled, not loosening her grip. "Good boy. Now, where were we? Oh, yes Kakyo-chan. She wasn't the only one you hurt.

The name Kaname Tousen likely has no meaning to you. Just another 'imprudent' man who got what he deserved for daring to defy you. But I know he had a better sense of justice than you and all of the noble clans combined. Had it not been for the denial of justice from Kakyo's demise, then he might still be alive. That is yet another death on your hands.

Of course, let's not forget the death that thankfully didn't come to pass. My sweet baby sister."

His eyes widened. "You don't mean the Fujiwara girl? The marriage was annulled!"

"Aye, it was. No thanks to you. If you had let the poor girl go without a fight, I might've been inclined to forgive you. Yet you didn't, you hurt her and treated her as badly as she expected. If it wasn't for the duel's outcome she would've been forced to wed you, and I more than anyone know just what she would've done to escape you."

"I hardly think marrying me was a fate so horrible that she'd wish for death."

"That's because you don't know how bad it's to deal with someone like you. Until now, that is."

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