Chapter 41: The Final Reward

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A/N: Hello everyone! I'm glad you're still with me. These last chapters are mostly for closeout but I'm glad you've enjoyed them. After this, we'll get the final chapter and at last, this fic will be over. Thank you all for reading and for supporting me, this far, I'm quite grateful and I hope you'll follow along until the end. Enjoy, and thanks for reading! 😋🤗

©Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna Maria, Shizuka, Asami, Kitomi,  Maya, Chiyo, and Keichi belong to me.

Chapter 41: The Final Reward

A month had passed since the students of Karakura High had taken to being normal kids again. Every so often, Ichigo would glance out the window, remembering the times he had to make up excuses to leave the classroom. 

Thankfully, now he could leave that to Shizuka, who was doing a wonderful job at keeping the hollows at bay. While he would hunt then down with her when he was free, it was reassuring to know the hunts wouldn't interrupt his studies anymore.

Everyone's grades had improved, so much so that both Nemu and Uryu were at the top of the best 50 students list. Which prompted some worry from Keigo.

"You're all turning into geeks! Even our lovely new arrival is a nerd! Nemu-chan, why?" Keigo cried.

Nemu had the same serious face she always did, albeit with a cheeky half-smile. "Keigo-kun, I don't go against my nature, not anymore."

Nemu had kept her powers, still, she officially quit the 12th Division, opting to work with Anna on various science projects via distant communication. She no longer went by the last name Kurotsuchi, but rather Nanago. None of them understood the significance of this new name but didn't mind as long as their friend was happy.

The list of top students also featured Chad, who had gone up to number 5. Orihime was now on the 2nd spot and he had gone up to the 10th.

"Everyone's turning into a nerd!"

As Keigo kept on having his small drama moment, Ichigo congratulated the rest of his friends. Orihime was currently being tackled in a group hug by all the girls. While Uryu and Nemu celebrated with a silent smile.

"Seems like we're doing better," Chad said. "Maybe we'll catch up with you soon."

Uryu smiled as he pushed up his glasses. "I'm looking forward to the challenge."

The Quincy's friendly demeanor didn't go unnoticed by him, or the rest of the group. Uryu was interacting more with them, and his smiles were more frequent. He wouldn't question it, although he missed butting heads with his companion.

"Shizuka texted. She's asking us to come over tonight." Chad told him

"Is something wrong?"

"I don't think so. She just said she wanted us to go see her."

"Alright. We can walk there after school. See you after class, Chad."

His friend waved and walked away in the opposite direction. Even his best friend had seen a positive change in the past few months. While he was still usually quiet and soft natured, he'd also become more confident. Chad would talk more than he used to, and he'd also become more involved with his music and training. He'd grown strong in many ways, and while Ichigo suspected Shizuka was behind some of that growth, there was no doubt the gentle giant had chosen to work hard for himself.

The last bell rang and he headed for the school entrance, Chad was already waiting for him there, while talking to Orihime.

"Hey, Ichigo! Are you both heading out together?"

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