Chapter 39: Joyful Serenity

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A/N: Surprise! I wanted to update as soon as possible! Okay so we're almost done with this baby, the next chapters will be more fluffy and slice of life than battle centric, although there will be some dramatic scenes, as well. Since y'know, not everyone is going to be thrilled about what has happened in the previous chapter. As for sequels I'll be letting you know about that in the final chapter. I hope you like it, and Thanks for reading! 🤗😋

©Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna, Hanabira, Hibiki, Mitsuru, Miroku and the Fujiwara Clan belong to me

Chapter 39: Joyful Serenity

Hospital lights were something Ulquiorra had grown to despise. He glanced around the room to see Orihime sleeping in another bed. Her Rikka spirits were all soundly sleeping beside her.

'She didn't lose them.' He smiled.

He could see a miniature form of murciélago sleeping on his chest. It seemed his own power would also remain. Ulquiorra petted the creature's head. "Looks like you're a small bat now."

"He gave me a spook when he appeared beside you. I'm guessing you both thought he'd be gone."

Ulquiorra turned towards the familiar voice. "Anna, it's good to see you."

"Good to see you too, old friend."

She looked different, at least in her stance. Her blue eyes were now sparkly, she had a silver crown on her head, and the dress she wore was similar to her Bankai dress, only it had no sleeves. 'The burn marks are gone.'

"Anna, does this mean..."

"Sosuke and I are the new king and queen."

Ulquiorra chuckled. "It's over."

"Yes, it is finally over."

He hadn't noticed he was crying until Anna passed him a tissue.

"Thank you."

"Both you and Orihime are alright and have kept your powers. Your friends will be here soon, they're being healed by Captain Unohana."

"Ulqui? Anna?" Orihime drowsily rubbed her eyes as she awoke. He could see her smile grow when her eyes fell on her Rikka spirits. "They're all here!" she sobbed. "I didn't lose them."

"You've both kept all your power. There were minor wounds but I've taken care of that."

Orihime seemed to be thinking the same things as him, especially upon seeing the absence of burns on Anna's arms. "Thank you Anna. I like your new style."

Anna chuckled and helped Orihime stand up, she immediately jumped into Ulquiorra's arms.

"Its good to know you're in good health." Ulquiorra held onto her, comforted by the weight and warmth of his beloved.

"You as well, I was scared that third form would break you. Please don't scare me like that again."

"I won't."

Now that they were both calm and seated Anna began to explain what occurred after the battle.

"The plan worked like a charm and the king died instantly. Since both Sosuke and I dealt the killing blow and we're both technically part of the royal family the power is split equally between us both.

All of our wounds are fully healed thanks to the shift, and as soon as things settled down here we'll go back to the Soul Palace and begin reformations."

Anna took their hands, smiling in a motherly way. "We wouldn't have won without your help. You were willing to sacrifice your powers for the benefit of everyone else, not many can claim to be that selfless. Thank you, truly thank you, for everything you've done."

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