Chapter 9: Falling Apart

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A/N:...I should change my name to slowpoke. So sorry to have taken this long to update. Half the chapter was easy to write, the other half had been a drag. I seriously found myself rewriting it around six times. Still, I hope you like it. Thank you for all your kind comments, everyone. They really motivate me. Thank you for reading! ( There's both a song and a picture from this chapter. I would recommend listening to the song after reading given that it can be a bit spoilery.) 

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shonen Jump. Shizuka Fujiwara, and Anna Maria are the only characters I own.

Chapter 9: Falling Apart

Orihime made a mental note to never play video games until 3 a.m ever again. After they came back from Shizuka's house she was so tired she fell asleep on the dining room table. Ulquiorra was asleep on the couch and even Kukkapuro was snoring on the floor. She laughed at the image before her. 'For two members of an elite army, you two sure get sleepy.'

She would let them stay like that until it was time for them to go to work. The morning was peaceful and relaxing like usual, and she hadn't had any nightmares tonight. 'For once he kept his word.' Orihime didn't want to think about what happened in Muken, but she was sure it would come back to bite them soon. She drank her tea while looking out the window at the snowy city. 'I don't want her to destroy it.'

A yawn startled her. Kukkapuro had woken up and was making his way towards her.

"Hello Kukkapuro. Did you sleep well?"

The pup barked and wagged his tail. Orihime served him a bowl full of food and patted his head as he ate.

The soft chill of the snowy morning was beckoning her to sleep again. Kukkapuro finished his meal and barked in happiness.

"I'm glad you liked it. Now I've got to wake up your other owner."

Orihime walked towards the table to wake Ulquiorra. He looked so peaceful like that. His black lips were slightly parted as he breathed, his black hair was messy and his clothes were wrinkled.

In the time they've spent together she hadn't seen him sleep so peacefully. Like a dark version of a princely sleeping beauty.

She touched his shoulder softly. "Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra wake up."

He opened his eyes slowly, still half asleep. Orihime chuckled. "Somebody is still snoozing. Good morning Ulquiorra."

"Good morning woman, did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Thanks for asking. How about you? Are you well rested?"

He nodded. Orihime gave him his breakfast and went to change into the work uniform.


Thankfully they arrived at the bakery in time. Ulquiorra made a mental note to refuse Shizuka next time she asked for a rematch. 'That woman is persuasive. Perhaps she and Aizen would have made good in-laws.' He caught himself thinking about Lord Aizen and Anna more often than usual. Perhaps because of the woman's words, at the time he tried to reassure her, but he also doubted Anna planned to invade Karakura out of spite, or for an object she could not use. 'It does not make sense.' If they returned to Hueco Mundo soon he would ask Tercera to gather information. A bell brought him back to reality, they were both still working so he tried to not get distracted again.

The woman was at the cash register, greeting everyone with her lovely smile. He was relieved she felt better again. Especially after the nightmares about the fire, and whatever Lord Aizen had sent.

"Ulquiorra-Kun! We need those cupcakes now!" Their boss, Mrs. Chiyo, called him from the from the cashier area.

He took the trays off the oven and carried them to the front area. Then he noticed how full the bakery was. The woman was serving and charging the costumers. Still she didn't stop smiling.

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